When emotion over shadow's decision making...

in SciFi Multiverse13 hours ago

The way we control our emotions and feeling matters alot when it get to making decision, which is one vital part which every individual must possess, alot of persons ends up making decisions that may hurt them in the future especially when it is been done out of emotions. Every one of us may have involved in this, maybe it ended well and something it may end the other way round. But the Big Question here is, Making decision out of EMOTIONS is it the right thing to do.? When we say making decisions out of emotion, alot of persons think it is only when someone it Angry, but rather it can happen either when we are excited or when we are sad.

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In some situation where we make decisions out of emotions, most of the cases we regret making such decisions. At time goes on we get to realize that there are greater advantage when you make decision in a nurture ground other like being influenced by emotions.. This emotions in question here is of dual way, one can make a decision when he or she is very happy and the decision will not end well and in the other hand one can actually make decision when he or she is angry and the result may either be positive or negative, however most of the times it is always a negative outcome.

For instance, I have May a decision when I was excited and I forget to reason the decision which I made the second time, and Boom 💥 I made this decision. When it fell on me that I have make a very big mistake in that decision it have already been late and I just have to face the real world and take full responsibility of my actions.. No cap there are time, when the decisions which I make out of emotions work out to give me a perfect results. However I boldly suggest that we should avoid making decision under the influence of emotion..

Thanks for stopping by and reading my blog, and I really appreciate for your support.


We are all the same, human-driven by emotions. Like you said, there were times when you (and I) used to make decisions solely based on emotions but not now. Life taught me the lessons.