It is a new week and it means another week to participate in the contests hosted by the hive Naija community, in this week's contest I'll talk about my first love, find the question below.
The first love is always unique, some things happened with your first love (or crush) that you would consider hilarious romantic, and perhaps a bit awkward now, reflect on those memorable moments from your first experience with love or crush, or write a short story.
Love is sweet but falling in love with the right person makes it sweeter Don't mind what Davido said, I've heard several people talk about their first love, the glow in their faces just the expression alone you'd know it was a great experience while to others it was reverse of the case, they say it's an unforgettable experience, and how true is that.? I know our current love life can't be compared to our first love cause then we were young and naive.
Was mine unforgettable as well? You'd find out
I don't know if we were to experience our first love at a certain age, cause during high school my classmates had boyfriends and I didn't, maybe I just didn't like boys then cause my mum was very strict when it comes to hanging out with boys, she'd tell me if I go close to a boy I'd get pregnant so that built a fear inside of me, even at that I was curious to know how falling in love was like and the stupid things people do for love told myself I wasn't gonna do any of that stuff, but guess what that was my mouth speaking not my heart, sometimes the mind and the mouth speak differently even if it is said from the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.
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I met my first love at the university, my second year in school, we were in the same faculty, it was when we resumed our first semester, then they just pasted our results on the faculty board I was there to check mine when someone came to check his as well, then he walked up to me and was like" have you checked yours" and I replied yes then he asked if it was what I expected and I replied with a yes again and walked away.
The following day we had a general class, I got to the hall where the class was to be held very late and there was no free sit everywhere was occupied then he saw me standing and waved at me, asking me to come sit because there was a vacant seat where he was seated, I excitedly ran to sit-down, after the class he asked of my name I told him, that was how one conversation led to another and we exchanged contact. Then we started talking on the phone, we'd talk for minutes, and we'd see each other after classes. We became very close I had a lot of male friends but he was different, and talking to him made me feel special, there was a day we were to take a cab to class when he held my hand I felt goosebumps in my body, He was so ordinary and simple, dark, tall, and had a cute smile at that time he possessed everything I'd ever wanted in a man, as if I knew what I wanted🙃.
After our first semester exams, we were to go home for the holidays, standing at the park waiting for the bus to come, when the bus arrived he hugged me I felt my heart beating very first like it was scared of something, even the holidays didn't stop our communication. A few weeks later he asked for a relationship I said yes because it was new to me and I liked him then he said "I love you" I was like "Ooh" so this is how a relationship starts interesting. After accepting him I became very shy, there was a day we were supposed to go out for lunch, told him I was coming but I did not go, not like I was busy or something, I just didn't know how to face him after accepting to be his girlfriend.
When we resumed the second semester, he started introducing me to his friends as a girlfriend, I was there hiding behind him using my hand to cover my face. I had amazing memories with him anytime he did something wrong, he always apologized with gifts, and we would go to night classes to read instead we'd read, we would gist and have some romantic conversations.
My first love was so sweet to the point I almost lost focus on my studies, my results were dropping, and my friends would tell me to break up with him so I could focus more on my studies I refused, but then he noticed it as well and told me to focus more on my studies, we even had a deal that if my result come out well this semester he would get me my dream bag, I concurred to it, so I studied like never before and guess what my result came out good and he got me the bag.
We dated for three years, and when we broke up I cried my eyes out, my family almost held a family meeting because I called all my siblings and was crying There was nobody I didn't call that day, I guess some things are not meant to last, but in all, I got to experience that strange thing people always talk about in movies even if mine didn't have a happy ending at least I got to understand my feelings and emotions and importantly I got to love someone.
thanks for reading 🌹