Hello, everyone in this community, how are you doing.
I am too excited to be with you all.
I and my parents, we are like lover's bird, specially my mum is so caring, and I know, I couldn't take that for granted. She is someone who has a passion for the mass communication.
As a child, growing up with my mum, I didn't like going to talking, most of my activities in college then were dreams of becoming a medical doctor.
So dad asked me to pick a form JAMB Joint Matriculation Board Examination after secondary school and I did.
But the cut-off mark and score was not good enough to give me my choice dream carrier course, which was Medicine and surgery.
By this time I was only 17 years old, my younger sister was 16. My dad was already no longer seeing reason with me. I pleaded with him to give me some time and Chance to take up the exams again.
But he refuses, that I should change the course to English studies. I was never one to do with this course. I have always seen myself helping and saving people's lives as a medical Doctor.
So when I waited to see if dad could make a change of mind, the school I applied for admitted me with a second choice of studying English education in their institution.
Since dad was the one who proceeded everything about the admission. He got the mails from the school. Paid up the necessary founds and didn't let me know.
So after a week or there about, mum, gave me some money to pick JAMB for again, so that I could get my dream course. I went did all the process, waiting for the return of dad from work that night to share the information with.
Little did I know that dad was also coming home to share his News. So when dad got home that night, I went to him, and opened up, and I have already processed for other exams so that I can take my dream carrier in the University.
I was faced with the worst moments of my life, dad immediately broke the information to me, and didn't let me say a word.
I was only left with the opportunity of saying yes, dad, when he asked me to go and get my things ready for school.
Not only that, but I didn't feel good at all. Mum didn't either, I was sick and psychologically affected. I even pleaded he should let me pick a skill while the time for the examination run, but dad didn't listen to me.
Mum pleaded, even though she too at some point felt disappointed that I lost my first opportunity, my parents were that strict. Just that mum was relatively different from dad in the sense that she showed me some compassion.
Today as I speak with you, I didn't do well in that feed, I didn't end it well and dad is no where here today.
When I noticed that my results were poor, I suspended my studies, knowing that dad only wanted me to leave the house.
And that he wouldn't check up on me, I took the advantage to pick up a skill in the fashion house.
After the skill, I switch the course to medicine and surgery, and I'm so excited about it. Nothing gives me Joy as seeing my self saving souls.
Today I run a fashion house as a side business couple with by my Job as a Medical doctor.
I will never do that to my children, by God's grace I am 32 now and married with one kill. I will never be such a detector to my children. But so painful that he is nowhere today to see me leaving my destiny, not his.
Parents should learn that our calling and decisions can affect our children in a way it can't destroy their feature. Please don't do this to your children.
I can't do this to any of my children, it is drastically wrong and inhumanity to the core.