”The only creatures that are evolved enough to convey pure love are dogs and infants". — Johnny Depp
Jack was our best friend. We named her after the famous Chinese actor, Jackie Chan. She wasn't just our pet dog, but also a part of our family. We always looked forward to seeing her every day when we got back from school. She’d stay at the entrance, wagging her tail uncontrollably and jumping around- Jack was always hyper whenever it was around us. Just like other dogs, Jack was aggressive towards strangers. A single knock on the gate and she’s on her fours, backing as loud as she could. However, she became even more aggressive when she became a mother. Unfortunately, while we were away, a stranger came into our house unannounced and Jack ran out and bit him. The community chairman got angry when he heard about this. Because of our tribal differences, coupled with some other reasons, they angrily came into our house and shot Jack dead.
They left our favorite dog in a pool of her blood. Jack left prints in our hearts- we’d often talk about her and how good she was from time to time. We thought no dog would ever replace her until after more than 7 years when Molly came into our lives. Sometimes, I like to think that Molly is the reincarnation of Jack- you know, maybe these things don’t only happen in movies. Molly is a German shepherd. I named her after a character in my favorite book- Night Train by Judith Clark.
I'd always thought German shepherds were furry, aggressive, and uncontrollable, but Molly made me fall in love with German shepherds. I remember the day my brother brought her into our home. She was only a few months old. She'd cry every night almost till the day broke. With time, she started to get used to us, especially my brother, since he spent more time with her- feeding her and tending to her needs. Molly got close to my brother as she’d follow him wherever he went. Things got interesting when my brother left Molly in my care for more than 1 year. I became her favorite. I like to call her my favorite stalker because she wouldn't let me go anywhere alone. The best thing I love about her is that she listens. Just like my first dog, Jack, Molly is calm and obedient. Although she can be aggressive (to strangers) whenever the need arises, overall, she is a very loving dog.
I’d always thought that dogs become aggressive during childbirth. That's what other dog owners always say. They say you, the owner, should not stay close to your dog during childbirth because they can be aggressive. Interestingly, Molly is different. When she gave birth to her first litter, I was with her throughout the process. Her eyes screamed, “Help me.” She was shivering and afraid. Thankfully, I’d read a lot about the process, so I was able to help her out. German Shepherds are my favorite dog breeds. I love absolutely everything about them; from their furry body to their eyes, and gentle and cool behavior.
I also love the Siberian Husky. I have never seen them in real life, but I have watched videos of them on YouTube, Instagram, and other social media platforms. Siberian Huskies are perfection in one of their purest forms. Their eyes alone are enough to capture your heart. So, I'm kind of torn between choosing between a Siberian Husky and a German Shepherd.
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This is my entry to the INLEO prompt for day 26. The topic is: What is your favorite dog or cat breed?
Thanks for reading.
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