The Life of a Natural Hair Girlie ~ My Experiences

in Hive Naija3 months ago


Deciding to go natural eight years ago was one of the best choices I made, but deciding to take a conscious step and make a conscious and constant effort to read up on ways to grow my hair healthy and long and maintain it was the best decision of my life, although it had not been an easy journey especially when it involves the financial aspect of taking care of one's natural hair and also the stereotype that comes with being a natural hair girlie.

I remember back then, when I had no clue and had no idea about how to maneuver natural hair, someone made a silly comment about me going natural "Because I didn't have money to make my hair", I mean out of all the comments I got from deciding to be a natural hair girlie, that comments gave the chills I never expected and going natural wasn't a certain decision I made, it took me years to decide to take that route and watch the outcome. So, it wasn't about the financial aspect, it was a decision I took just to see the difference and outcome of what my hair would look like.


Back then, natural hair girlie wasn't rampant and wasn't a thing, so we had and only saw a few people with that also, those few people who were like me, had no clue about what it meant to go natural, so they just took care of the hair the best way they could with little or no help whatsoever. So, you most times find them looking shabby and unkept because they had no knowledge and weren't getting the needed tips or knowledge they needed.

A few times, I have gone to the saloon to make my hair and immediately they knew it was natural hair, they declined with the excuse that they didn't have the time or they don't make natural hair, and I knew they were all afraid of natural hair and the shenanigans that comes with natural hair, especially that period when the news about lice coming with natural hair, so I wouldn't blame them either. They were protecting their customers from contacting lice, which could lead to losing their clients or customers.


I understand perfectly well, so I wouldn't blame those with the natural hair stereotype idea and those who feel every natural hair is infested with lice and every other hair issue or scalp issue you can imagine but so far so good, I have never experienced any of those issues and that's due to the conscious step after the whole charade to make sure I don't experience any of those.

Those around me, all know the extent to which I go through to make sure my hair and scalp are healthy and out of harm's way and they understand the investment, and effort I have put in to make sure I get my desired hair and scalp health. They know I do not play about my hair and could invest my finances to make sure I get all the necessary and important hair care products, the steps, and tips on how to care for my hair aren't left out either. As much as having the important hair products matters in being a natural hair girlie, taking care of my natural hair matters more.


So, when it comes to my natural hair, j have had my worst days and I have had my happy days. I have had days I cried myself to sleep because I applied the wrong hair products and got the worst result that led to a lot of shredding, it led to my hair damaging a whole lot and because I was conscious of knowing the cause, I was able to rid of such products and helped myself get back.

While I was still in search of a good hair salon that could take care of my hair the way I wanted it to be taken care of, I made the wrong choices of saloons I thought were good and came back home with regret because my hair wasn't treated the way it was supposed to be, and I made a mental note to never go to those saloons again no matter what.


We all know that saying, there is good and it is bad, so yes, I have had my worst day and I have my better days and these days surpass every other day. These good days, remind me of my efforts, and consistency in making sure my hair is healthy and growing. It reminds me that I can achieve whatever goals I wish or intend to achieve for my hair.

A girl who has gone through both phases when it involves her hair has every reason to see good in all days of her hair because she has come through those phases without breaking or thinking about taking a U-turn respective of the mockery and stereotype or segregation that comes with being a natural hair girlie. Anyway, I am still basking and will always bask in the euphoria that comes with being a natural hair girlie and I am not stopping any time or any day soon.

This is my entry to the Day 11 #Decemberinleo prompt, here is the link/to participate.

PS: All images are mine

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