in Hive Naijalast year

It has got to be that day in January. I would go back to that day. That calm, beautiful evening;late night or was it early in the morning. That time I spent staying awake inorder to keep my brother company while he worked at his job. That was around 2:00 a.m..


This time, though, I would not give in to sleep at the time when I did. Or, I would just have stayed in the living room and continued with seeing programmes as I was before I set out to bed even when I wasn't sleepy. Or, I would not have kept the device at the spot by the windowside where I did. Or, I would not have used the device so much until it ran out flat, because that way, I would have kept it by my bedside as I did my gadgets and glasses. Or no, I wouldn't have let my other brother leave with my charger, as that way, the device would have been charging somewhere far from the burglar's reach.

Not so many events have taken place with me in the month and half so far. I try to think of something else but not one thing comes close to this. The other days were nicely eventful. But this right here has to be the one negative occurrence that happened. Just at very first(I think, second) week of the year. Losing my new phone in just a week of acquiring it I didn't sulk so much when I lost it(read as stolen). What am I even saying? I barely even sulked. I moved on a way too fast. Maybe because I hadn't really started using it and there was no attachment. Whatever the reason, I was a little surprised at my indifference. But the money I spent though....

I still would not sulk until this very moment. I only dislike how very slow my goals which are somewhat linked to my device are taking. Actually, it feels like nothing is moving and it is all so debilitating. I miss the energy I had in the few days that the device was in my possession. I admire the bold steps to putting stuff on track inorder to make some of my goals a reality which I took. Just taking stock of how fast time is flying and how well/far I would have gotten pisses me off. Nah, it wears me out!

All this amounts to saying that I would just have taken precautions to avert that occurrence. I would have acted entirely opposite to how I did. Maybe. Just maybe, I still would have my device. And maybe(no, certainly), I would have gone far ahead with my plans and even realized some.

If I could, I would go back to that day and do things differently. Took me a long while to save up for that device and just about a week for the real owners to get hold of it. Hilarious! But since I can't do nothing, I let it stay in the past and just be a memory.


Thanks for gracing this post.



Yes friend if you continue your activities surely your slow times will speed up. I am expecting that from the creator. Wishing you beautiful moments always.

Thank you so much

you are welcome