Greetings to you beauties of thoughtful feelings and emotions. Its always a pleasure to be here just like today, another given opportunity to share with you. Being healthy, happy, positive and thoughtful of these emotions are amazing appreciation , one that can never be overlooked although they seem intangible to us.
And to as many that feels this emotion of being alive, healthy, positive and feeling happiness, the urgency to feel, think 💭 and analyze becomes important to us. When we seat back in our moments of self reflection, we begin to see things as they are for grace is the only thing which gives us the opportunity to know that we can only do our best while alive . The things we can not achieve even when we have tried so much is truly not in our power. And thinking 🤔 it through, what did we bring to the world 🌎 and what shall we go with? Making decisions , we should always remember that we are only humans.
I am full of excitement, feeling good and happy as the month of March comes to an end. March the third month of 2024. This means we still have nine (9) months to go for this year. But its all good because even many that started this year with us are no longer with us. The question is ? Do they not want to live? Are they not meant to still be alive? Why are they no more and what happened that they are no longer here? These are the questions none of us can answer but only the Creator who has ordered every footsteps of man 👨.
I am full of excitement, feeling good 😌 and happy because today the month of March ended with the sun 🌞 shining bright, the air a free gift of nature to breathe and hope for man in our hands believing in God as we keep positive because we are alive and among the living. We are alive not knowing what our tomorrow will bring but the hope we have and the positive energy we keep is the only weapon to our sustainable existence.
I definitely believe in miracles because miracles are extraordinary event that is not explicable by natural, A sudden life changing situation. Manifestation of kinds. This is why we should be in positive energy at all time despite what ever our yesterday brought, tomorrow is greater than our today.
Making sure to live a life of happiness once we are healthy should be our goal 🥅, for its only sickness that can hinder our moving forward . Nothing else if we keep that every day positive energy.
Be happy, feel the need that you are alive with so much opportunities to explore life. The roads and paths that we will take as we journey in life has been ordered. We hope that Grace locate us with exceeding miracles.
Cheers to the new month of April in few in few hours ticking by. Love ❤️
Thanks friends for coming around and reading.
All photos are my original.