Think about Things differently

in ThoughtfulDailyPost8 months ago

In a scenario where there are five people in which were given 1 million each. There would be different thoughts that would enter there minds at the very moment. Some might really want to utilize the opportunity of the given money at hand and get a lot of stuffs in which they needs for there day to day activities while some on the other hand might use it for future purposes by investing it in one thing or the very other for good benefits.

I would stand in investing it, as it has come little might be taken out while others would go to utilizing it for better benefits as what if it didn't come i might still be managing the way in which i was.
Thinking about it things differently entails that our thoughts should be far more in case of uncertainty in which might come. We should look at the benefits or also check out if there might really be demerits of what we are doing.

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In the Bible about the story of the Ten virgins in which five were wise and five were foolish the wise ones were the ones that has extra oil in store for there lamps in case and when the light went off as they were waiting for the bridegroom they were able
to use there extra oil in which the other five begged them and they said that it would not be enough for them all asking them to go outside and get for themselves. They went and before they could come in,the bridegroom entered the door were locked up and they were denied access of entering.
We also in lives, in going out of our daily activities should be far in thinking and see things in dimensions in which would be best for our betterment in Life.
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