Insightful Thoughts to Keep You Humble

in ThoughtfulDailyPost23 days ago

A reminder to humble yourself, this shit can be gone in an instant

The above is a quote from the rapper J. Cole in the viral song "All my life". Quotes like that about how you can lose everything are usually what people use as a reminder to be humble.

Others are quotes like _"be mindful of how you treat people on your way up, cos you might meet them on your way down" _, "we're living a borrowed life", etc.

These are all great quotes and I remind myself about how I can lose everything too in order to stay humble. But there is one more angle I look at things in order to stay humble. The angle is this:

Your money or other assets you have cannot always help you.

So many times in my life I've had the money to buy a particular thing but I couldn't find it. Like I go to the market to buy it and it's out of stock or something and even with the money in my hand I can't get what I want to buy.

This humbles me a lot, because not getting what you want when you can pay the price and more is not what we think about when we chase money.

Furthermore, I've met so many people who are NOT impressed by money or good looks or other things we consider impressive/valuable. Meeting people like these and knowing they exist just makes you see that your valuables can't help you when these people are making the decision.

I've met fine ladies who didn't care about my good looks, met some who didn't care about my sense of humour because they're not humourous themselves, met others who didn't think muscles were cute, etc.

I've also met people who aren't ready to sell some of their possessions no matter how much is offered.

All these just reminds you that all your valuables which you hold in hight esteem might just be pearls before swines in some cases.

Just imagine a famous celebrity like Beyonce meeting someone at the parking lot who is not impressed by stars, and Beyonce wants to borrow say a lighter. Beyonce would probably be expecting the person to be star-struck and in a hurry to hug her and take a picture or something.

But the person just stays there cold. And Beyonce who was expecting it would be an honour for this person to give their lighter is surprised the person is refusing to give her.

You never know when life would hit you with these situations, but in my experience it's almost certain you'll come across situations like these where whatever it is you consider valuable is nothing.

An extra real life example is how I do not revere pastors as I'm not a Christian and I have beef with all the religions in the world. I'll always be polite and all but you wouldn't find me sucking up to them.

But I live in a very religious (Christian) section of my country and pastors get their ass kissed hard out here! People treat them like gods. Apart from the respect people always want to gift them.

You can imagine the shock on pastors' faces when they meet me. I treat them like they're just regular folk. I wonder how many of them think of me when they need a reminder to be humble. LOL.

In a nutshell, there are many situations where your valuables have no value, that should keep you humble and make you not to be so drunk with pride.

The End

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Definitely true. We should be very mindful how we treat people. People are like waters, we might not know when and where we will need them in the future
