Spread Thoughtfulness, Spread Love.

in ThoughtfulDailyPost5 months ago

Thoughtfulness is a very wonderful practice. It’s not just about thinking of what’s going on around you but being observant about your actions towards people, their action towards you and everything around you in general.
As humans, we can be very sensitive especially the fact that we are sometimes sensitive to the things we are not very cool with.
Also, I believe that we all spread thoughtfulness whether knowingly or unknowingly.


One way I spread thoughtfulness is by being fair to everyone. Isn’t that thoughtful? To me, it’s a very thoughtful act. I always make sure that I treat people the way I want to be treated. If I don’t want something or don’t like something, I won’t do it to another person no matter how little you may be to me.
This is a very thoughtful act because if people want to do me bad, it may take them back to those days when I treated them right and some people may even be inspired to treat others with fairness and justice.

Another way I spread thoughtfulness is by speaking to others. Do you think I only speak to people without having nothing beneficial to tell them or talk to them about? No! I always want to draw people’s attentions to their actions. I always want to help them differentiate from bad and good and also wrong and right.
This way, I sensitize people who need it and even help some people with the advise that I feel may be right for them.

Lastly, I spread thoughtfulness by trying to unite people. I’m not a celebrity or a very popular person but I always want to make sure that I make peace with whoever I find myself with or wherever I find myself. This will even call people to an attention that they also have to make peace with others.


These three things are what I’m very observant about and I do them very well.
Let’s spread thoughfulness and let’s make the world a better place.



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Treating people in the way we want be treated is the most effective way to recive the same energy back. It also is a sample of our empathy and love not only toward the world but toward ourselves!

You’re very right
We should be able to take what we dish out to people

Kind regards @bisolamih
Wonderful that you flow in harmony with your environment, without affecting your inner balance. We are actions but also reactions to day to day events. In the interaction and socialization with the otherness, it will always bring us teachings in multiple ways, sometimes they will be lights and examples to follow and in others on the contrary, exemplification of what we should never do.
Thank you for your presence in our community, bringing us these jewels of wisdom. Health and well-being to you and yours !LUV

Saludos cordiales @bisolamih
Maravilloso que fluyas en armonía con tu entorno, sin afectar tu equilibrio interior. Somos acciones pero también reacciones a los acontecimientos del día a día. En la interacción y socialización con la otredad, siempre nos traerá enseñanzas de múltiples maneras, en ocasiones serán luces y ejemplos a seguir, en otras por el contrario, ejemplificación de lo que nunca debemos hacer.
Gracias por tu presencia en nuestra comunidad, trayéndonos estas joyas de sabiduría. Salud y bienestar para ti y los tuyos.

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