Hello Hello hello my friend and family here on Star Community. How are you all today in this lovely and beatifuld ay today? I wish that all of you are having a great time today. and you can do whatever you are planning to do smoothly and will bring a good result to all of you. It is ncie to be back again to see you all today.
Glowing Core
The weather is so nice here in my side of the world today, the sun is shining in the morning to bring warm to the people in my place. and here we are already at the last day of the first month of 2025. I wonder how has you journey toward your goal so far?
Anyway, after I finish my errand, I could spare sometimes to make this random digital creation. Something that I try to make everyday so that I could have a subject to be used as part of my random digital art series post. Today, the post hits another interesting number, as today this is my series number 678, It is like a sequencing number. ;0
Anyway, I made this random digital art series today using one fractal element only that I made using Aphophysis 7X and then I edit it in photoshop.
I hope that all of you like my work, and I wish to see you all again tomorrow.
These are the application that I use to make this random digital art series, I might use on element from the following applications, or simply combine them all to make this art.
- Aphophysis 2.09 the older version where I first learn how to make fractal
- Aphophysis7X the newer version of the app to produce fractal art.
- Bomomo abstract application is a web based application to make abstract art, very easy to use app.
- inkscape application, to make the vector art.
- Adobe photoshop to combine those element to make the final random digital art version.