Esta pequeña princesa cumplió sus 4 meses y cada vez esta mas inquieta y grande, desde que me vine de Colombia me han enviado fotos y ha crecido demasiado, no es la misma pequeña que deje hace 1 mes.
Emma es mi ahijada mas pequeña (En teoría aun no la han bautizado pero estamos esperando que tenga 6 meses, mientras tanto es costumbre tratarnos así), y es hija de mi prima, lo cual es curioso por que el resto de mis ahijados también son hijos de primos, así que todo queda entre familia.
This little princess turned 4 months old and she is getting more and more restless and bigger, since I came from Colombia they have sent me photos and she has grown too much, she is not the same little girl that I left 1 month ago.
Emma is my youngest goddaughter (in theory she hasn't been baptised yet but we are waiting for her to be 6 months old, meanwhile it is customary to treat her like this), and she is my cousin's daughter, which is funny because the rest of my godchildren are also my cousins' children, so everything is in the family.
Esta pequeña ha sido muy pero muy inteligente desde que tenia meses era super risueña y atenta, para su edad considero que ha sido muy activa ya que siempre estaba despierta con los ojos abiertos, prestando atención a los sonidos, miraba a los al rededores. Incluso tengo la sensación que desde los 3 meses ya conocía a las personas, por que al verme a mi comenzaba a reírse y a jugar conmigo, al ver a mi hermano que su otro padrino lo miraba extrañada, pues yo compartía mas tiempo con ella. Aunque siempre ha sido muy tranquila cuando la cargan en brazos no llora cuando la mamá la suelta.
This little girl has been very, very intelligent since she was months old, she was very giggly and attentive, for her age I consider that she has been very active as she was always awake with her eyes open, paying attention to sounds, looking around her surroundings. I even have the feeling that from the age of 3 months she already knew people, because when she saw me she started to laugh and play with me, when she saw my brother her other godfather she looked at him strangely, because I shared more time with her. Although she has always been very calm when she is held in my arms, she doesn't cry when her mother lets her go
Mi hermano fue su padrino de "Agua", es similar al bautizo y en mi familia como en otros hogares esta esa tradición de colocarle agua bendita y padrinos de plato y vela. Desde pequeña era muy risueña y allí tenia unos 2 meses aproximadamente, muy pequeña pero muy despierta.
My brother was her "Water" godfather, it is similar to the baptism and in my family as in other homes there is this tradition of placing holy water and plate and candle godparents. Since she was a little girl she was very giggly and she was about 2 months old, very small but very awake.
Y las primeras veces que escucho mi voz fue por video llamada, siempre creí que al momento de llegar me tendría miedo, ya que nunca me había oído a diario o pensé que lloraría. Y por su puesto el que también tenia miedo era yo, por que estando a punto de nacer ya me había dado la noticia mi prima que yo seria su padrino, y tenia nervios de conocerla pronto.
And the first times she heard my voice was by video call, I always thought she would be afraid of me the moment she arrived, as she had never heard me daily or I thought she would cry. And of course the one who was also afraid was me, because I was about to be born and my cousin had already given me the news that I would be her godfather, and I was nervous about meeting her soon.
Desde el primer día me toco cuidarla y hacerla reír para que no llorara mientras mi prima le preparaba el tetero, o mientras ella hacia comida, incluso no creí que aprendiera tan rápido y día tras día le enseñe a hacer burbujas con la boca y le decía "haga carrito" como simulando el sonido de un carro, increíble pero aprendió super rápido y cada vez que me veía comenzaba con ello, y cuando no podía se molestaba por que tenia que hacer mucha fuerza.
Otros días solo la sostenía mientras ella feliz mirando a la calle o chupando dedo, no daba nada de que hacer.
From the first day I had to take care of her and make her laugh so she wouldn't cry while my cousin was preparing her bottle, or while she was making food, I didn't even believe that she would learn so fast and day after day I taught her to blow bubbles with her mouth and I told her "make cart" like simulating the sound of a cart, incredible but she learned super fast and every time she saw me she started with it, and when she couldn't she got upset because she had to do a lot of force.
Other days I just held her while she was happy looking at the street or sucking her thumb, she didn't give me anything to do.
Mi prima me envió fotos y ahora esta mucho mas grande, le cortaron el pelo completo y se ve diferente, pero ahora casi se levanta sola del coche, se sostiene con las manos y es probable que en 1 mes ya este haciendo todo esto e intentado gatear, ahora mas que nunca intenta hablar y balbucea palabras. Es probable que en 2 meses mas cuando me toque verla me vea extraño o quizás me recuerde de las video llamadas que hacemos cada cierto tiempo. Los próximo planes son el bautizo y espero viajar pronto nuevamente, espero que el semestre termine pronto sin inconvenientes.
Así que me tocara escoger muy pronto el vestido del bautizo o el regalo, y prepararme de nuevo para travesía.
My cousin sent me photos and now she is much bigger, her hair has been cut off and she looks different, but now she almost gets out of the car by herself, she holds herself up with her hands and it is likely that in 1 month she will be doing all this and trying to crawl, now more than ever she is trying to talk and babbling words. It is likely that in 2 more months when it is my turn to see her she will look at me strangely or maybe she will remember me from the video calls we make from time to time. The next plans are the christening and I hope to travel again soon, I hope the semester ends soon without any problems.
So I will have to choose the christening dress or the present very soon, and get ready for the trip again.
Como extraño esa pequeña sonrisa y esas carcajadas cuando estaba de humor, aunque la verdad muy pocas estaba de mal humor.
Nos vemos en la próxima amigos, y cuando este mucho mas grande ella.
How I miss that little smile and those laughs when she was in the mood, although she was rarely in a bad mood.
See you next time friends, and when she's much older.
Las fotos fueron tomadas por mi, excepto las ultimas
Subir las fotos y videos fueron autorizados por mi prima
The pictures were taken by me, except for the last
Pictures and videos uploaded were authorized by my cousin.