Corte de cabello a mi novio luego de meses/Haircut for my boyfriend after months [ESP-ENG]

in Family & Friends5 months ago



¡Hola chicos! Espero que estén muy bien. Este día fue todo un acontecimiento en casa. Mi novio, que había pasado meses sin cortarse el cabello, finalmente decidió que era hora de hacerle frente a su abundante melena rizada. La verdad es que su cabello, aunque es hermoso, ya estaba un poco descontrolado. Imagínate, esos rizos largos y rebeldes se veían desalineados y, para ser sincera, un poco incómodos en algunas ocasiones. A veces, me daba pena verlo así, porque él no es de los que se arreglan mucho, y eso hacía que su look se volviera un poco caótico.

Hi guys! I hope you are doing great. This day was quite an event at home. My boyfriend, who had gone months without a haircut, finally decided it was time to tackle his abundant curly mane. The truth is that his hair, although beautiful, was already a bit out of control. Imagine, those long, unruly curls looked uncoordinated and, to be honest, a bit awkward at times. Sometimes, I felt sorry to see him like that, because he's not one to get all dressed up, and it made his look a bit chaotic.



Desde que lo conocí, siempre me a gustado todo de él, incluso su cabello rizado que a él no le agrada del todo. Su cabello es una de esas características que forma parte de él, pero después de meses sin un corte, ya era hora de que se diera un buen retoque. Recuerdo que un día, mientras estábamos visitando a unos amigos le dijeron: “Mira, pana, ya es momento de que te cortes ese pelo. Los barberos también comen”. Él se rió y, aunque al principio se hizo el desentendido, al final aceptó que tenía razón, simplemente él no había sentido la necesidad de cortarse el cabello.


Ever since I met him, I've always liked everything about him, even his curly hair which he doesn't like at all. His hair is one of those characteristics that is part of him, but after months without a haircut, it was about time he had a good touch up. I remember one day, while we were visiting some friends, they said to him, "Look, man, it's time for you to get that hair cut. Barbers eat too". He laughed and, although at first he pretended not to care, in the end he accepted that he was right, he just hadn't felt the need to cut his hair.





Cuando llegamos, a casa de unos primos que se habían ofrecido para cortale el cabello ellos se habían alegrado. Este primo es doctor, y algo muy marcado en él es que todas las semanas se corta el cabello, utiliza un corte bajito y no sólo se lo corta a él, sino que es el barbero de su casa y tiene un hermano, un sobrino y su papá siempre en la lista . El barbero se preparó para la tarea, y yo me senté en una esquina, lista para ver la transformación. Mientras el barbero comenzaba a trabajar, no podía evitar pensar en cómo un simple corte de cabello puede cambiar la apariencia de una persona. Es increíble cómo un buen corte puede resaltar los rasgos del rostro y darle un aire completamente diferente.

When we arrived at the home of some cousins who had offered to cut his hair, they were delighted. This cousin is a doctor, and something very marked in him is that every week he cuts his hair, he uses a low cut and not only cuts it for himself, but he is the barber of his house and has a brother, a nephew and his dad always on the list. The barber got ready for the task, and I sat in the corner, ready to watch the transformation. As the barber began to work, I couldn't help but think about how a simple haircut can change a person's appearance. It's amazing how a good cut can bring out the features of the face and give it a completely different look.




Yo miraba como conversaba con su primo sobre diversos temas e interactuaba un poco en alguna que otra cosa. El corte de cabello de José iba tomando varias formas, dejándole el rostro más alargado y menos pomposo.

I watched as he conversed with his cousin on various topics and interacted a bit on a few things. Jose's haircut was taking various shapes, making his face more elongated and less pompous.




Se notaba que el primo de José iba tomándose su tiempo y haciendo su trabajo meticulosamente, yo estaba muy feliz porque José iba a quedar con un aspecto más pulcro y que le beneficia bastante en su día día.

You could tell that Jose's cousin was taking his time and doing his job meticulously, I was very happy because Jose was going to look neater and that will benefit him a lot in his day.




Una de las cosas que pude notar es que José tiene un cabello un poco complicado, tiene tres remolinos y justo en esas partes era difícil hacer que el cabello tomara una forma para cortarlo, pero a pesar de todo su corte quedó muy bien.

One of the things I could notice is that Jose has a bit complicated hair, he has three swirls and just in those parts it was difficult to make the hair take a shape to cut it, but in spite of everything his cut was very good.



Recuerdo que una de las últimas veces que fue a cortarse el cabello le echaron una cera que tenía un olor increíble y le dejé un aspecto súper pulcro. Desde entonces tengo en la mira una cera que le quiero regalar justamente porque le gustó y parab que se arregle el cabello con gusto.

I remember one of the last times she went to get her hair cut she got a wax that smelled amazing and left her looking super neat. Since then I have my eye on a wax that I want to give her as a gift just because she liked it and so that she can fix her hair with pleasure.



Su cabello quedó mucho mejor y nos fuimos satisfechos de haber completado otra tarea.

Her hair looked much better and we left satisfied that we had completed another task.


Que bueno, siempre es oportuno un cambio de look, eso nos renueva el ser❤️👌

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