Hello, dear friends of hive. For me it is an honor to be again sharing with you, I love this community because most of the time I spend is because I shared with my loved ones, with friends, with my partner, and everything that generates quality time.
En esta oportunidad paso brevemente a contarles la parrillada improvisada que surgió después de la oficina, resulta que una compañera estaba de cumpleaños el día miércoles pasado, y el viernes decidieron realizar una parrillada en su casa, cada uno colocó un monto para hacer como decimos aquí una vaca jaja, es decir, reunir plata para comprar todo lo que hacía falta entre pollo, morcilla, chorizo, entre una que otras chicherías para pasar el rato.
In this opportunity I will briefly tell you about the improvised barbecue that came up after the office, it turns out that a colleague was having her birthday last Wednesday, and on Friday they decided to have a barbecue at her house, each one put an amount to make as we say here a cow haha, that is, to gather money to buy everything that was needed between chicken, sausage, sausage, among some other things to have a good time.
Salimos de la oficina como a las seis de la tarde, fui a la casa me bañé, me arreglé y me fui directo a la casa de la compañera, mientras los otros estaban comprando lo que hacía falta, empezó la parrilla tipo ocho de la noche, y me fui de ahí a las dos de la mañana, no pensé que se extendería tanto, pero también como llegamos relativamente tarde, fue una noche divertida, nos reímos, hicieron karaoke, y la pasamos muy bien.
We left the office at about six in the afternoon, I went home, took a shower, got dressed and went straight to the partner's house, while the others were buying what was needed, the barbecue started at about eight in the evening, and I left there at two in the morning, I did not think it would be so long, but also as we arrived relatively late, it was a fun night, we laughed, they did karaoke, and we had a great time.
La verdad que, soy plan de las cosas improvisadas, quién diría que yo, la más organizada y planificada, le gusten este tipo de cosas con una sola excusa: el cumpleaños de la compañera, nada mejor que fomentar las relaciones interpersonales con buenas platicas, risas, música y comida rica, un compartir sanamente, al finalizar nos fuimos, y me llevó una de las compañeras que tenía carro dejándome justo al frente de mi casa.
The truth is, I am a plan of improvised things, who would say that I, the most organized and planned, like this kind of things with only one excuse: the birthday of the partner, nothing better than to encourage interpersonal relationships with good conversation, laughter, music and delicious food, a healthy sharing, at the end we left, and I took one of the companions who had a car leaving me right in front of my house.
Con amor, Julli
With love Julli.
Todas las fotos son de mi autoría, tomadas con mi teléfono Redmi 12
All photos are my own, taken with my redmi 12
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