Here are some cold wet winter sparrows.
Not many birds are out in the cold of winter but I did manage to find a flock of house sparrows taking a bath.
Now this sparrow is wondering if the bath in the barely unfrozen water was a good idea...
This one looks to have frozen feathers on its head.
The sun isn't even out for them to dry out in. They must have some itchy mites to need to take a birdbath in such freezing weather.
I wonder how they can even fly with half frozen feathers?
This one still hasn't taken a dip. Its quite cold out and he is puffed out.
Well, looks like it is time to take the polar bear challenge... Off he flew into the unfrozen puddle below.
Now he is back, it was not worth it... Now I am freezing.
This guy stayed dry the whole time. I'd rather be itchy and stinky than frozen.
Now he is being shunned by the cute chick nearby. She is going after the guy who stayed in the ice cold bath the longest.
That's all for now, thanks for looking :-)