Almost a month ago I read about the pelican who escaped from the zoo. That was the title in most of the news sites - Pelican fled from the zoo. Actually the pelican was not a fugitive. The zoo in Varna hosts pelicans and at first people thought the bird was in loose. It appeared that the Rescue wildlife center within the zoo took care of him and the pelican decided to move along which was OK, because he was successfully rehabilitated. What makes the story is the fact that pelicans do not settle on the beach or in the sea. There are two species that nest in Bulgaria - Dalmatian and Great White and their places are rivers or lakes. They migrate in winter to the South and return in spring time.
Our pelican is Great White (Pelecanus onocrotalus). However, in Bulgaria we call him Pink pelican, because his plumage is light pink. Pink is around the eyes too.
People of the Rescue center continue to check him and said the pelican is doing well. He was slightly injured when they took him in the autumn. The plan was to release him in his natural habitat, but the pelican decided not to wait any longer. I suspect the plan was to leave him where the other pelicans usually stay. I read that he most likely to join some flock.
The bird seems comfortable around people, probably thanks to his rescuers. That is why he stays close and lets anyone to photograph him. He was not only in the local news, but also on the telly and every social media. He was seen walking on the promenade and posing like a real celebrity. There were videos and photos made by many while the bird was casually walking among the other pedestrians or flying low above their heads.
I could not go down to the beach earlier and I don't know how long the pelican would stay, so I decided not to waste more time and last Saturday to hunt him. The weather was just perfect, a spring day as it should be with lots of sunshine. The whole town was out, but that spot with the bird wasn't crowded. I saw the big bird in the water and took the first photo.
I was relieved, the bird is nowhere to go. I quickened the steps and shortly I was on the rocks watching him floating to and fro. I managed many photos, it was pleasantly warm and other spectators were sitting and watching it, making photos with their phones.
From time to time, the pelican dipped his head in the water.
But no, I did not see him catching fish.
And kept on swimming.
Stopped and started grooming himself. You may think it is awkward to do it with such bill, but he did it with ease.
Now looking at the photos, they are very much alike, because I was clicking non-stop. The bird just minded his own business and I had to leave him after some time.
I refer to the pelican as a male, although I am not sure if it is he. But it seems that most considered him as a boy and even named him Stoicho, which is a male name.
Another funny moment I just recall is the photo of the pelican with a cat. Someone shared that photo, where both the bird and the ginger cat were standing on the rocks together. It looks like the pelican is friendly with all.
Choosing the last photo to finish the post, I keep on thinking I might see him again. If not, he might be with his kin and perhaps with a partner.

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