Hello bird lovers,
Not just the storks returned in the Northern hemisphere. Each day I am looking for new arrivals and when I heard the nightingales singing in the park, well that definitely made my day.
Nightingales are renowned for their clear and beautiful songs. When the mating season begins, they sing so loud, perching proudly and like heralds announcing the spring is here.
This singer wasn't on the best spot for photos, but soon I will be able to make better ones.
There was a second nightingale, who unfortunately I couldn't see, only heard.
I wish to let you hear them, but the video clip I made with my phone was terrible and I did only an audio recording. I am not sure I can upload it and next time I most likely will try with the video again.

Speaking about the singers, another birdie with clear voice could be heard these days - The Lesser Whitetroat. At first I did not recognize the song. Thanks to the application Merlin, every bird can be identified by its sound. And of course by photo. This application is great and I recommend it.
And here it is the Lesser Whitetroat

But what made me really, really happy is the return of The Long-eared Owl.
Do you remember the baby owls I showed last year? I think this might be one of them.
Well, I very much wish so. We, hubby and I were looking very carefully the trees and especially the pine trees. Every time passing by them we made few circles around scanning the branches. But this time we saw the owl without problem. Still, the untrained eye would miss it. We just know how well owls blend. But once seen there, every day we spotted at the same tree.
It is not easy for a clear shot, these are the best by far. The rest are obscured by branches and twigs and needles.
I did not see its partner, honestly I am not sure if this is the lady. As far as I know, the male will arrive first and then the female.
Anyhow, the owl is back and more birds are due to come. I am ready to make more photos to share with you. The weather is crazy, temperature records in mid April - over 30°C and we expect cold days ahead. Birds could be confused, but hopefully they will adjust to the changes.
And that's all for now, keep your eyes peeled and mKe as many photos as you can, because I am expecting to see them in our community of Feathered Friends.

Thank you for viewing my post.