Sino es, se parece...Esp-Eng

in Feathered Friends8 months ago

Saludos amigos de los emplumados, las aves o pajaros, que lo que mas me gusta de ellos ademas de tomarles fotos, es esa libertad de ellos, de poder volar libremente, llegar a cualquier sitio, viven en los arboles, son grandes arquitectos que con suma paciencia y de palito a palito hacen sus nidos increibles la forma que le dan.

Asi como tambien hay una gran variedad y especies de pajaros, de tamaños, colores, picos, canto y sus colas, lo que tienen en comun es sus dos patas, que tienen plumas.

Una manera de saber como se llaman o como creemos que se llaman es buscar en la internet, por eso busque este pajarito para saber como se llama, Mimus Gilvus, que es lo mas parecido a lo que se llama tambien como Paraulata Llanera.

Segun se dice provienen de Mexico, Brasil, es increible la migracion de los pajaros, desde donde vienen hasta donde llegan, estan en constantes migraciones sobre todo en las temporadas de invierno, huyen del mismo por el frio, las lluvias.

Contenido propio, traducidos con DeepL

Fotos tomadas con camara SONY.





Greetings friends of the feathered, birds or birds, that what I like most about them besides taking pictures, is that freedom of them, to fly freely, to reach anywhere, live in the trees, are great architects that with great patience and stick to stick make their nests incredible shape they give.

As well as there is a great variety and species of birds, of sizes, colors, beaks, song and their tails, what they have in common is their two legs, which have feathers.

One way to find out what they are called or what we think they are called is to look on the internet, so I looked up this bird to find out what it is called, Mimus Gilvus, which is the closest thing to what is also called Paraulata Llanera.

It is said that they come from Mexico, Brazil, it is incredible the migration of the birds, from where they come to where they arrive, they are in constant migrations especially in the winter seasons, they flee from the cold, the rains.

Own content, translated with DeepL

Photos taken with SONY camera.

Nayita238 Firma General Hive.png


There are lots of these birds at my place but I haven't managed to ignore them.