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RE: Bird couples and struggle for the nest construction: coot and great grebe

in Feathered Friends7 months ago

Great grebe smartest hairstyle for Madame, attentive waterbirds when detail counts in nest building. We lose time when out watching life on the pond enjoying photography.



Thank you, for kind words, and for !PIZZA of course. I do love to shoot that birdies - they are very spectacular... photo-friendly... when they dont hide in the reeds jungle ofc. Hope to share more pics in the future! 😎

We have 3 species of Grebe across our country and the Red-knobbed Coot paddling our waters, always an enjoyable time watching them.

Agree! but -- your southern nature has much more diversity!
not like our slender aspen swampy land, especially in the city. So I rely on those duckies a lot of excitement, it is the most exotic birdies I see here. I dont even encounter swans, tho I know they occure here... a bit. Ehehe.. have a !BEER? 🤓

We don't have swans, more than make up with other varieties !LOLZ

Hey @joanstewart, here is a little bit of BEER from @qwerrie for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.