Hello, community and friends! Today, I want to share about a wonderful bird known as the Indian golden oriole, which is very similar to the Eurasian golden oriole.
These birds are native to the area where we live in South India, along the west coast. Every day, they visit our garden and fill the air with their beautiful songs. We enjoy their presence very much; the sight of their vibrant golden feathers against the green trees, combined with their enchanting melodies, feels almost magical.
Here are some photos of this stunning bird. It features not only a bright yellow body but also striking black feathers. They have a black head, black tips on their tails, and black wings with carpal patches. Their bright red eyes and pink-colored beaks add to their beauty. They make our place feel like paradise!
Thank you, @nelinoeva, all sponsors, and community holders for organizing this contest in this beautiful community.
Thanks to all the readers.