Feathered Friends - Show Me A Photo Contest Round 170: BIRD ART. Японские птицы - Japanese birds

in Feathered Friends9 months ago
Всем привет! Hello everyone!
В конкурсе продолжается тема Птицы в искусстве, а я продолжу знакомить вас с чудесными экспонатами выставки «Красота по-японски», на которой побывала в ноябре 2018 года. Здесь были представлены произведения искусства периода мэйдзи (конец 19 – начало 20 веков). Для японцев тема птиц в декоративном искусстве наряду с цветами – на первом плане. The competition continues the theme of Bird art, and I will continue to introduce you to the wonderful exhibits of the “Japanese Beauty” exhibition, which I visited in November 2018. It displayed works of art from the Meiji period (late 19th – early 20th centuries). For the Japanese, the theme of birds in decorative art, along with flowers, is in the foreground.
Сегодня я покажу два экспоната из одной витрины. Скульптура из слоновой кости, изображающая курлыкающего голубя в натуральную величину, поразила меня мастерством художника, тонкостью работы. Today I will show two exhibits from the same display case. The ivory sculpture depicting a life-size crowing dove amazed me with the skill of the artist and the delicacy of the work.

click on the image to see a bigger version of it

Небольшая ваза из слоновой кости, инкрустированная металлом и перламутром. Здесь сразу несколько птиц. Small ivory vase inlaid with metal and mother-of-pearl. There are several birds here at once.
Забавно, что на этой фотографии видна тень голубя, которого я показала первым. It's funny that in this photo you can see the shadow of the pigeon I showed first.

click on the image to see a bigger version of it

1-ю фотографию я представляю на конкурс Feathered Friends - Show Me A Photo Contest Round 170: BIRD ART от @nelinoeva This is my entry to contest Feathered Friends - Show Me A Photo Contest Round 170: BIRD ART hosted by @nelinoeva

Camera Sony RX-100.

300 (7).png


What a beautiful work of art, I love the ivory vase.
Beautiful shots dear friend @eto-ka
I wish you much success in the contest.

Thank you!

This is an exquisite art. Amazing how detailed the dove is. Wonderful choice for an entry.

Thank you!

Delicate work done on the ivory turned out very well, vase is exquisite what magnificent pieces to find in museums.

Yes, these pieces of art are museum quality. But they ended up in private collections. What made the exhibition so valuable was that you could see them. They are usually not shown in public.

Sad when pieces of such great beauty, history is not in museums for all to enjoy, handful of exceptionally rich hide these normally as you say.

@sagarkothari88 reward 0.05 HP

Thank you!