Colorful Birbs

in Feathered Friends11 months ago

Hi fellow Avian aficionados,

Today I wanted to share some pictures of the beautiful colorful birds we saw recently!


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Colorful Birbs

Yeah I said Birbs not Birds. Trying to stay cool with the youngens LOL

It's been a while since I've gotten to post something for my avian aficionados but I came through with this one! :D We went to Florida for a trip which was amazing, and we got to see some great wildlife like this! Granted they are not naturally from here, but they survive really well given how hot Florida is most of the year!


These birds were really cool, it's been a long time since I saw some of these. Don't think I will remember what species of bird they are, I only know toucan and macaw but I don't think these are either of those lol. The cool part about them too is the green one below talks! We were having some fun with it, with it whistling at us and saying hello. My son was occupied with that activity for a solid 20 minutes, not too bad for the cost of admission to a park lol.

The good thing about it too was that the birds didn't get harassed or had to bite anyone! Most of the time, the birds are in these cramped cages and separated from people which is to say, the birds are Protected from people because some people are assholes! Thankfully, the park here was good about it and people left them correctly alone.


The big ones were the star of the show though. These guys were getting all the attention despite not really doing a whole lot! I don't know if these ones talk but they weren't talking when we were taking a look at them. It was really cool to watch them eat though, those beaks are sharp as hell! They are very graceful with taking the thing they are trying to eat, in the case here seeds it looked like, and rolling it in their beak with their tongue. They eventually got it to a point where they cracked it open with their lower beak, pressing against the upper part, and got the tiny morsel. Pretty unique stuff considering the shape of their beak!


The other good thing about this too was that the birds didn't fly away. I don't think they clipped their wings, though they certainly might have, but I was glad to see that the birds were trained well enough, and hopefully enjoyed it, to stay and get fed all day, not having to worry about much.

The 3 here were certainly the most accessible birds of the group. The other one was in a weird area but these were front and center. These guys had a few signs around them saying "I BITE" and I couldn't imagine getting a finger of mine in those razor beaks like I bet they are able to chop fingers right off between those things. They did squawk though when we were near them and holy shit do they make a LOT of noise! Lol. I almost had to cover my ears it was pretty brutal to hear! I couldn't imagine one of these guys as a pet in my house, it would echo like wild!


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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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The birbs (birds) really look beautiful and colorful
Have you eaten a bird before?
I have eaten it before though

By ”it” do you mean like a parrot specifically? In that case, I’d be really surprised if you ate one. Those are very rare to find/catch around here, and most people that have them tend to domesticate them as pets.

Yeah I imagine they would be pets mostly not food but if they are common, give it a try! Lol

They are awesome for sure however I’ve not eaten one of these. I’ve eaten chicken, turkey, duck and pheasant I think. Not these but I would try it!

The birbs look well-mannered. 😅 @cmplxty

Haha they were great!

Yes. What word did they commonly say?? @cmplxty

Ahhh yes. I remember macaw from a cartoon called Rio I watched back in the day. That macaw was completely blue though, so I’m sure it’s different species of macaw from this one.

I like those mixed-feathered parrots. They fit the typical parrot color I know (mix of red yellow green), so it makes it easier (and more normal lol) for me to admire.

btw, you got me with the birbs thing. Real GenZ style. Lol

Hahaha Birbs is awesome :D I'm trying to bond with the youngens LOL

It's funny because after I wrote this my son was watching rio! I was like ah ok that's the Macaw haha.

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