Good afternoon...Have a good monday afternoon...
Actually... I have no idea to write a post today.
But I am lucky today.I got an idea to write a post when I went to the outside and saw the small birds - Sparrows on the road.
There are some small birds-Sparrows on the road and they are trying to search the foods.There are nothing food on the road when I reach near to the place of the birds.
Maybe some people give the foods to them around there because they don"t go away.
I think they are familiar with the people.
And also they wanted to drink the water or something like that.
There are some water on the road that you can see in my photo.
The weather is getting hot more and more.
They are flying a place to another during the hot temperature.
So they need the water to drink and need to rest a good shadow.
They are trying to get the foods.
They are trying to drink the water.
They are trying to get a good shadow or they need to take a rest during the hot temperature.
They are playing with their family or friends.
They are happy and flying to the sky.
Anyway They are happy by flying...Playing...Resting...Eating animal of our world.
They don"t give any disturbing or trouble to the people.
They are so clever and no need to afraid this small animals.They cannot give you any dangerous.
They are so lovely animal.
This small bird - Sparrow is one of my favorite birds.
What a lovely animal in the world!
Thank you so much for reading.
Have a nice day.
15:50 PM