cage a vicious rooster

in Feathered Friends11 months ago

Roosters are one of the tame animals whose owners are humans, but there are times when roosters can also chase whoever they want. This is what happened to my rooster. My rooster has started chasing people who pass nearby and This will be dangerous, especially if it is chased by children with nimble legs on it, it will be dangerous if it hits someone and with this step I have to lock up this vicious rooster.
Basically, roosters are one of the animals that are tame with us and never hold a grudge against Malaysia, but due to exercise or hot food, it triggers the chicken's enthusiasm. This rooster makes this rooster vicious and chases whoever he wants and doesn't like what he sees. This is one of the wrong upbringings. It should come to tame livestock with humans, it will endanger the humans.
Some of the pictures of roosters that I have locked up have become a sensation, which means they are the images for my post today as I show my friends that roosters can be served. Maybe they don't see them and maybe they are cruel so they are at the level of chasing anyone they see. This is Hopefully some of the pictures that are good today will be interesting pictures greetings to all your friends.




