Christiana, The Funny Girl. #memoirmonday

in Silver Bloggers2 months ago

One blessing that we have in the journey of life is the gift of people. People make our life worth living. It would not have been possible for us to exist in isolation. Have you ever thought of that? How would it have felt if you were the only one in the whole city? That would not have been fun at all. We need each other in our lives.

There is joy and happiness when we have people around us. Like one songs I have heard about: We all need somebody to lean on. I need someone to learn on and you also need someone to learn on.

We need someone to live together. We need someone for our business to progress. Who will patronize us if we were in isolation? Friendship and relationship is good.

We remember people based on how unique they have been to us. Some of the people we meet are not necessarily related to us. Some of them are casual friends we just come across when we get to school or when we move to a new location.

When we were in school, we had a classmate who was so funny. She always does things that make you laugh. If you have no interest in laughing, she has a way of forcing laughter out of your mouth by the jokes she makes. She was such a person that whether you like it or not, you would not like to miss her.

Christiana was not a very brilliant students. She was not good in language as well as arithmetic but everyone in the school likes seeing her. That was the kind of classmate I had. I have almost forgotten every other person that was in the class with me but I do not forget Christiana.

One thing I know and appreciate about Christiana is that she doesn't like fighting. She hate causing troubles that could lead to fight. But she won't let you be if you refuse to play and make fun. She was so alien to fighting that the day she fought a senior student, no one in the school could believe that the senior student was not at fault. This was because Christiana was never known for fighting.

Everything has its disadvantages. The problem with Christiana was that her name was never missing in the list of noise makers in the class. How would she not make? In fact, she was the one who trigger noise in the class many times.

This post is in response to @ericvancewalton question on #memoirmonday initiative. The prompt is here