The Times They Are A-Changing
Yesterday we were the young spirited people we still see and sometimes feel, having traveled a relatively long road it takes one back to what some might say is not letting go of principals taught when young.
North star never changes direction when setting out upon life, we witness change some acceptable or disagreeable, yet we dig in following a deep knowledge of right from wrong, good or evil, I believe each is born with a little bit of both.
Why I seldom venture down deep dark alleys showing photography of things I find distasteful to man, nature, environment is for the very reason there is enough doubt floating about, being positive in sharing what we know or see through a positive pair of eyes to give reason younger generation following in our footsteps a better understanding of where we came from.
A piece of poetry I feel fills the words I stumble to find adequately, this poem made me smile age we enter our Autumn years, do you agree?
Carmelene Siani - A 73-Year-Old Woman’s Ode to the Art of Aging Gracefully
Let me live the autumn of my years as beautifully as that lyric makes of it.
Let me hope that while my body may fail in strength
my spirit will grow in wisdom
Let me see that being independent is not necessarily
an end all and be all
and that embracing interdependence
may be the greatest gift I can give those who love and care about me.
Let me look out the window and see not how few summers there are left to me
but how beautiful are the summers left to me.
Let me be relieved to know that my past is no longer my past
that it is instead my history
my story of me
and that it no longer has a hold on me.
Let me look at my body and see beauty,
Not the beauty of the curved hip and the raised breast,
but simply beauty
Let me look at my children and see them not as I thought I shaped them
or as I thought I influenced them
but exactly as they are
separate and apart from me
while at the same time
connected to me
Let me remember that everything is old and everything is new
that the world is either/or as well as both/and
that art is the only thing that make sense
and that music can take me across the bridge to the other side
Let me remember that God is made of stories not religions
that kindness changes everything
that war is never good
that 90 percent of what we see in others is projection
that the truth is worth whatever it costs to tell it
that presentation is everything
and that there is no such thing as a bad glass of tequila
Let me be able to lie in my last hour
and feel nothing but gratitude for it all.
Exactly as it is and exactly as it was
and in these ways
May I learn the secret of aging and dying well.
Always with photos to uplift, life is never what we remembered, each generation finds it more difficult to accept change, one can but ponder back to the steam trains coming into use. All had transport, woman living close to the tracks had soot, clean out the home more regularly, forgot washing on the line that had black spots from what was in the air back then.
With change comes chaos, right now within our lifetime we have witnessed changes going into computers and grappling with the mere thought of AI, trying to comprehend what lies ahead for future generations. You know what, they will cope exactly like we did, why, it's simple our teachings of right or wrong at a young age, as our parents taught us will survive through many lifetimes, long after we are gone.
Words are always stronger than the sword! As said or sung by poets and musicians over decades gone.

Thought for Today: "Children will tell you what they do, men what they think, and older people what they have seen and heard." - Gypsy Proverbs