Memoir Monday # 12. My neighbors [ING-ESP]

in Silver Bloggers9 months ago

What were your next door neighbors like when you were a child?

What were your next door neighbors like when you were a child?
I was born in Caracas, capital of Venezuela, I have no memory of those first three years, I begin to have some memories of when I was about four years old, and we lived in Apure, a state in the plains region of the country, where we lived for a short time, due to the tragic death of my father.

When my father died, we returned to Caracas, to our apartment, located in a popular area of the city. From that moment on I have very clear experiences with my family and that coexistence with the neighbors that can occur when you live in an apartment block, as they were called this type of construction.

This is what memory exercise number twelve is about, proposed by @ericvancewalton in his call for entries Memoir Monday - Week Twelve (5/27 - 6/1), which I invite you to join. This week presents us with an inspiring question: what were your next door neighbors like when you were a child? A window into memories distant in time and close in experience. Today I share part of them.

In the year of its foundation

In the 1960s, the time of my childhood, the dictatorship of Marco Pérez Jiménez (1959) had just fallen. During his government some popular housing developments were built, among them Casalta, which housed more than five hundred families. They were four-story blocks, including the first floor, for a total of 8 apartments.

I remember them being spacious and I think that this was the concept that the architect Carlos Raúl Villanueva used for their design, because in spite of the number of blocks, apartments and families, we did not live crowded together; between one row of blocks and another there were recreational spaces. In our case, its front faced a long strip planted with grass and pine trees; on the opposite side, on the side of the large balcony, was the children's playground.

The apartment had four bedrooms and the master bedroom was big enough to accommodate the four beds of the girls that we were, with a good space between each one.

Our neighbors across the street were a small family of German origin, consisting of the parents and a teenage son. The man I remember very little: tall, strong and with mustaches, the son was a version of the father, both barely looked at us and much less tried to talk to us, the mother was a young and pretty woman also corpulent, I remember that when we were in the hallway sometimes she came out with a plate full of homemade cookies that were delicious and that was the extent of her contact.

You can imagine the rowdiness that five children and their friends can create in a hallway, well I never heard a complaint from them and I don't think there was one, because I don't remember them sending us in because we were bothering a neighbor.

The clearest memory I have of them was once when my mother lost or left the keys inside the apartment and we could not enter, she knocked on the neighbor's door and asked permission for my brother, who was the oldest, to pass from their balcony to our balcony and could open the door from the inside.

I am talking about a third floor and a child who would have been eight years old at the most, (things of my mother), the German, I guess worried, made it her son who did the feat, thank God everything went well and grateful to her wherever she is.

La Colonia Tovar

Vía Colonia Tovar

One day talking at a family reunion, already adults, this family so uncommon for us came up, my mom told us that the couple barely spoke a few words in Spanish, that they were colonieros, referring to the fact that they were from Colonia Tovar, a tourist and farming town, nestled between the mountains of Aragüe, founded by German immigrants in 1843. A community that for a long time remained closed to the Venezuelan culture and that made of their assigned space a beautiful town with German characteristics.

The fact is that they were our neighbors because they were building their house and business in the village and because the young son was studying at the Central University of Venezuela, in Caracas, this gives us an idea that by the 60's the inhabitants of this community were inserting themselves into the social dynamics of the country.


En Español

¿Cómo eran tus vecinos de al lado cuando eras una niña?

Nací en Caracas, capital de Venezuela, no tengo memoria de esos primeros tres años, comienzo a tener algunos recuerdos de cuando tenía como cuatro años y vivíamos en Apure, estado de la región llanera del país, donde vivimos por poco tiempo, por la muerte trágica de mi papá.

Al fallecer mi papá regresamos a Caracas, a nuestro apartamento, ubicado en una zona popular de la ciudad. A partir de ese momento tengo vivencias muy claras con mi familia y de esa convivencia con los vecinos que se puede dar cuando vives en un bloque de apartamentos, como eran llamados este tipo de construcciones.

De esto se trata el ejercicio de memoria número doce, propuesto por @ericvancewalton en su convocatoria Memoir Monday - Week Twelve (5/27 - 6/1), al cual te invito a unirte. Esta semana nos presenta una pregunta inspiradora: ¿Cómo eran tus vecinos de al lado cuando eras una niña? Una ventana que se abre al recuerdo lejano en el tiempo y cercano en la vivencia. Hoy comparto parte de ellos.

En los años de su fundación

En los años 1960, época de mi niñez, recién había caído la dictadura de Marco Pérez Jiménez (1959). Durante su gobierno se construyeron unos urbanismos populares, entre ellos Casalta, que albergaba más de quinientas familias. Eran unos bloques de cuatro pisos, incluyendo la planta baja, para dar un total de 8 apartamentos.

Los recuerdo amplios y pienso que este fue el concepto que manejo el Arquitecto Carlos Raúl Villanueva para su diseño, pues a pesar de la cantidad de bloques, apartamentos y familias no vivíamos amontonados, entre una hilera de bloques y otra había espacios recreativos. En el caso nuestro, su frente daba para una larga franja sembrada de grama y pinos; en su lado opuesto, por el lado del gran balcón, se encontraba el parque infantil.

El apartamento tenía cuatro habitaciones y la matrimonial era lo suficientemente grande como para que en ella estuviesen las cuatro camas de las niñas que éramos, con un buen espacio entre cada una.

Nuestros vecinos del frente era una pequeña familia de origen alemán, conformada por los padres y un hijo adolescente. Al señor lo recuerdo muy poco: alto, fuerte y con bigotes, el hijo era una versión del padre, ambos a penas si nos miraban y mucho menos intentar hablarnos, la madre era una joven y linda mujer también corpulenta, recuerdo que cuando estábamos en el pasillo en ocasiones ella salía con un plato lleno de galletas caseras que eran deliciosas y hasta allí llegaba su contacto.

Te puedes imaginar el bochinche que pueden crear cinco niños más sus amiguitos en un pasillo, bueno nunca escuché una queja de ellos y creo que no la hubo, pues no recuerdo que nos mandaran a entrar porque molestásemos a algún vecino.

El recuerdo más claro que tengo de ellos fue en una oportunidad que mi mamá perdió o dejó las llaves dentro del apartamento y no podíamos entrar, le tocó la puerta a la vecina y le pidió permiso para que mi hermano, que era el mayor, pasara del balcón de ellos al balcón nuestro y pudiera abrir desde adentro la puerta.

Estoy hablando de un tercer piso y de un niño que a lo sumo tendría ocho años, (cosas de mi madre), la alemana, supongo que preocupada, hizo que fuese su hijo el que hiciera la hazaña, gracias a Dios todo salió bien y agradecida con ella esté donde esté.

La Colonia Tovar

Vía Colonia Tovar

Un día hablando en una reunión familia, ya adultos, salió a relucir esta familia tan poco común para nosotros, mi mamá nos contó que la pareja apenas hablaban algunas palabras en español, que eran colonieros, refiriéndose a que eran de la Colonia Tovar, un pueblo turístico y agricultor, anclado entre las montañas aragüeñas, fundado por alemanes inmigrantes en 1843. Una comunidad que por mucho tiempo se mantuvo cerrada a la cultura venezolana y que hicieron de su espacio asignado un hermoso pueblo con características alemanas.

El caso es que fueron nuestros vecinos porque se encontraban construyendo su vivienda y negocio en el pueblo y porque el joven hijo estaba estudiando en la Universidad Central de Venezuela, en Caracas, esto nos da una idea de que para los años 60 los pobladores de esta comunidad estaban insertándose a la dinámica social de país.


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Hello @damarysvibra

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Good morning, thank you for stopping by and supporting my content.

Those apartments did look spacious and four bedrooms and a master bedroom was alot!

Those apartments did look spacious and four bedrooms and a master bedroom was alot!

Good morning @tengolotodo , yes, sometimes when we talk about this in the family we think they are our exaggerations, that with the vision of children everything seems bigger than it is, however the fact of the four beds, gives us a good idea of the space.

Greetings. Happy sunday.

Parents appeared to be far more tolerant of noise back then with children playing, never heard them complain about much when you think back to our younger years.

We referred to this style of dwelling a flat, many lived in them once leaving the home, some were larger in floor space compared to the smaller houses some of us lived in.

Wonderful memories of people who passed you on the hallways, offering you cookies, fond times during childhood, things were not easy but all survived!


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Good morning @joanstewart . To talk about my childhood is to place myself in a beautiful stage of my life. As you say, there were hard times, but I think my mom strived to make us see that “Life is beautiful”.
Greetings, happy Sunday.

Life is good in we normally only remember the bright side of life. Happy day to you too.

It sounds like your neighbours were very reserved, but kind people. I can just imagine how nervous everyone was when their son had to climb over to your balcony!
Nice memories @damarysvibra