When friends come together, many wonderful things happen;
They create a supportive, loving, and joyful community that enriches their lives.
They feel a sense of belongingness, knowing they have a supportive network. Together, they enjoy a great time, create new memories, and reminisce on the old ones too.
There's also new connections, new experiences, shared ideas and helpful tips which can inspire and motivate. Together, they celebrate successes, offer encouragement, and inspire personal growth. Above all, there's the strengthening of bonds which can lead to a lasting relationship.
All of these you'll experience with ShoKiN
ShoKiN day 9 had us visiting Chicken Republic, located at No 156,Azikiwe Road, Aba, Abia State, Nigeria for the second time, and beautiful memories were made, as always.
Many friends turned up. It was nice to see and reconnect with this old friend @sammyhive.
More pleasurable was it to make acquaintance with some Hivians I often come across in the street of Hive, the delectable @debbydaniels, the "cherry" @ugoglory and her cool sister @nellybestie
And then the tallest of them all @brainbrian. This guy's height is domineering, I tell you, lol.
It was an amazing experience filled with good vibes and I'm thrilled I didn't miss it. Well there's never a dull moment when it comes to ShoKiN, hehehe. Let me share a secret with you;
If you're feeling low and blue, come to ShoKiN and let's shift your mood together! Let the good vibes wash over you! ✌️
Chicken Republic treated us to their mouth watering and delicious assortment of foods, burgers, ice cream fries etc. I had craved for swallow with vegetable soup containing "plenty animals", but since it wasn't part of their menu, I opted for my favorite, "jellof rice with roasted chicken". I happily paid with HBD, claimed my discount, just like other friends did, and then sat down to relish the tasty goodness of the food. I must confess that the chicken really "chickened" very well and the jellof rice...., I'm sure you can guess, hehehe.
The staff were all excited to have us visit again and ensured we all were served well. Who wouldn't be thrilled, when about twenty friends visit your business and all pay with HBD? That's some cool money in your wallet, you know! 😅"
Here's the main highlight;
The ShoKiN ID Card
Oh yeah. The ShoKiN friends now have ID cards which we'll be using on all of our ShoKiN days and other important connects and outings. This is to ensure recognizability and a business-minded approach wherever we visit.
Don't I look cool with it? 😎
And finally, the Photorama.
Even if you're not the type to take photos, ShoKiN will make you want to, you can't resist it, lol.
All in all, ShoKiN day 9 was totally amazing, a masterpiece of memories!
Counting down to day 10! 😂.
Thank you for reading...
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