Hey Hivers,
Not sure exactly how this happened, but the streak is still alive! The last few days have been extremely busy and I really thought I would have to skip this Thursday Larry is Alive contest. The only thing I refuse to skip, no matter how busy it gets, is our long walk with Kaia. It may be delayed until late at night, but it always happens! But the magic of multi-tasking allowed me to also perform my usual surfing and clicking. So it would have been a shame not to post it. Let's keep it short though and quickly follow Larry on his route, so we can check all the details.

The Hunt for Larry

No new comments about the Listnerds website. I don't think much is working anymore on it, so once again, we just read the required emails and that was it. Here is the proof of completion:


As usual, LeadsLeap clicking started late at night the day before. In the end, it's a good number of clicks, even if it's nowhere close to my best records. Here is the proof of completion:

Thanks to little better returns on my Coop link, and of course all the encashment from all that clicking, I finally reached the $50 mark for my earnings. That was my first target, so I will probably withdraw it soon. When I have a little bit more time I guess.


Just the usual surfing at TRAFFICadbar, a few sites short of 200. Here is the proof of completion.


Like I already mentioned, even if the CTP drawings don't seem to work for me anymore, I always try to Xplore as much as possible at CTPX every day, in order to increase the number of views on my LeadsLeap coop link and here is the proof of completion for today:

Infinity Traffic Boost

Same thing at Infinity Traffic Boost. Now that I also use credits to promote my LeadsLeap coop link, I need to try and get more by surfing as much as possible. As often , I just maxed out at 100 pages surfed today:

Free Advertising For You

The lack of time was fatal to my visit at Free Advertising For You again. I probably already said that, but some day, I will go back there. Apparently, there are ways to also use credits to promote the LeadsLeap coop link there, so I should really try.

And that is it, another successful hunt with Larry: he is Alive and delivers at 5 locations. It's not exactly as late as usual, but I still have a long night ahead of me: lots of work to finish before Noon tomorrow. It needs to be done by then, because I really need to prepare my stuff and get ready to leave in the afternoon for our ski week end up North Michigan. Not very steep slopes, but it's always fun anyways. Maybe I'll use the 4 hours drive to catch up a little on my sleep. Unless I end up driving that is...
Happy hunting to y'all and see you next time!
And finally, for anybody that would like to know more about what this hunt is all about, here's the link again with all the details.