Hey Hivers,
Lots of Hive activities already today with HPUD and of course my daily Actifit post, but I couldn't skip my 'Larry is Alive on Thursday' hunt. I just resumed hunting last week, that wouldn't have been good to give up so quickly. Especially since I also started surfing/clicking more consistently on other days too. We haven't seen the sun in a while here, so I once again used a photo of the snow covered golf course a couple weeks ago for my cover picture. But once again, it's getting late, and I don't want to push my bed time super late, as I do way too often. So it will be more of a simple reporting of Larry's activities. Let's quickly follow him on his route.

The Hunt for Larry

Not much working right now at Listnerds, but it's still one of the stops, so we opened the emails we needed to open and quickly moved on. Here is the proof of completion for today:


I got up late today, and missed the 11am limit to snap my proof of completion at Leadsleap. That means their servers were already at tomorrow, and I could snap it much later:

Putting a little more focus on the coop right now. Between CTPX and Infinity Traffic Boost, I could get a higher number of views this week. Overall, it's just about 30 cents rewards for the week, not much, but still much better than usual.

Just regular clicking during the day at TrafficAdbar, and here is the proof of completion:


Pretty good clicking at CTPX. Like I said, I use it for my Leadsleap coop link, so the more I Xplore, the more views I get. Here is the proof of completion for today:

I noticed one improvement there. Not sure it is really new, but it is the first time I see it. In the past, every time you did not do anything on the site for a while, even without closing the window, it was required to login again. Now, it seems that as long as you keep the window open, it stays logged in. That saves a lot of time when you do your Xploration throughout the entire day like I usually do.
Infinity Traffic Boost

No surprise at Infinity Traffic Boost, where I maxed out the number of pages surfed at 100. I used to not really care about these credits, but I figured out how to use them for my Leadsleap coop link as well, and that got me quite a few views this week. Here is the proof of completion for today:

Free Advertising For You

Once again I skipped Free Advertising For You. I need to try again, there may be a way to use these credits for Leadsleap as well. I will check it out soon hopefully.

And that is it, in spite of a busy day, it is a successful hunt. Larry is Alive and delivers at 5 locations. Like I said, it is getting late. I did okay with sleep last week, but I did really poorly this week. I really have to do better, one simply can't live on just a couple hours of sleep a night!
Happy hunting to y'all and see you next time!
And finally, for anybody that would like to know more about what this hunt is all about, here's the link again with all the details.