Hello Everyone in this Beautiful Community and All Music Lover 💐🌹❤️
I am Oluwadrey, Here is My entry for the week 202 of the Hive Open Mic, with theme: Telling a story, I will be presenting a Hymn titled: "Blessed Assurance (This is my story)"
I have been so much busy at my work place, I hardly had time for anything online, but I can't miss my favourite Music Community on the hive Blockchain.
So sorry This is coming so late, kindly bear with me.
Song meanings
This song is a Christian hymn that expresses the beauty of Gods love, compassion, promise and Hope of Glory.
The blessed assurance hymn consists of three short verses that Expresses God's Grace, Mercy and Love upon Mankind, the hope found in salvation and the Overwhelming Love of Christ.
**Why did I selected the song diamond?
Blessed Assurance hymn song to me is a song I really relates to, I was lost, and deeply in Sin and Darkness, I thought there was no saving Grace and love but God's Mercy said no, He chases me to whatever path i was laying waste and Gave me a second chance, He called me His own and Redeemed and cleansed me from all my sin.
Am a living testimony of God's faithfulness and loving kindness, Jesus is mine , this is the greatest story I can ever tell.
Please kindly enjoy and listen
Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine;
Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine!
Heir of salvation, purchase of God,
Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood.
This is my story, this is my song,
Praising my Savior all the day long.
This is my story, this is my song,
Praising my Savior all the day long.
Perfect submission, perfect delight,
Visions of rapture now burst on my sight;
Angels descending, bring from above
Echoes of mercy, whispers of love.
Perfect submission, all is at rest,
I in my Savior am happy and blest;
Watching and waiting, looking above,
Filled with His goodness, lost in His love.
Here is the lyrics source
Thanks so Much for taking time to listen ❤️
Have a great weekend
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