What the jeez is TooFuckeh anyway?

in MemeHive4 months ago

Well it a token and much more. It can be used in many situations cause we all live in a #TooFuckeh world. Sometimes I use it in its simplest form, like saying, Hey there, that's a TooFuckeh MEME there, eh! And maybe send them some tokens. If they don't like it they can send it back, donate it, whatever, who gives a #$%^

Now lets take a look at the next layer. Some of you will not be able to follow cause you operate your life at the superficial layer. The outmost part of an onion. I #LUV onions so I try to eat them everyday. Dad would eat them like an apple, but I digress.

Now have a close look at our #PEPT problem solving wheel. It follows the Plan-Do-Check-Act methodology presented in our Project ePayTraffic community on Hive. Today, I want to talk more on origin and usage of TooFuckeh over the years and brush on some opportunities going forward.


Let's break the tag down

First I deal with the fuck part that many of you will zone on and may even get offended and think I am the worst shit on the internet. To those I say, I don't know how you got this far in life but read on and let us explore the world at a deeper level.


Now you have a choice to focus on the sexual context of the word, or not. I focus on it being more of a universal language for something or situation and even a person that is in major need of attention. Now, the Acadian French in me, is entertained by the double entendre of a particular phrase. So don't be to shocked when I use it. My purpose in life is to observe and where possible influence positive changes in the world so that it is in a better shape then when I arrived. The divine spark. FUCK is like the Acadian version of SNAFU

Now for the first part of our tag. TOO just means that if you are going to use the TooFuckeh tag it better be where the situation clearly exhibits some level of excessiveness. Maybe a person stands for something that is too far right or too far left to be a leader speaking on behalf of the majority who needs better health care. Or, maybe you observe a daily activity, could be work related, online or offline, where you realize that many of your repetitive actions could be eliminated and it would not cause any net loss to your well being. It may actually turn out to be a profitable change. oh, how about a hive example. Specifically, token creation. You know, your use case idea. Now I see myself as being a newbie on Hive cause I know there is a lot more I can learn. Part of my learning is usually from trying to stress a system. After evaluating many existing tokens and their use case I was challenged to see the viability and scalability of many token distribution. Configuring an idea into a token is not easy and I did not see much documentation or hand holding material. As a business owner building an operation to serve many generations, you want to explore all the risk components and not get overly consumed by any short term gain, even if it is many thousands of percentage return on investment. So, I follow what I preach in our PEPT community. Learn Before You Earn. It has taken me over a year already to slowly build our PEPT ecosystem. I created several tokens and accounts, all interconnected with a focus to leverage very specific strategies to create synergy. The point where measurables returns go beyond expectations. So when it came time to decide on the token distribution for TooFuckeh, I realized I would need the maximum number of tokens to address all the TooFuckeh problems in the world. Especially so if your thinking your idea is to be fruitful indefinitely. Like I said earlier, sometimes you need to stress the system to learn the most.

TooFuckeh has issued the maximum number of tokens allowed. Also, the precision is 8 decimal places which means one can give away a very small reward or not have to spend very much to become a stakeholder in our problem solving journey.


Is this TOO much?

Now for the last part of our tag, eh!

I am a Canadian. My ethnicity is Acadian. I am living proof that you cannot solve a problem by exterminating people. And if you are not able to exterminate a people, using ethic cleansing strategies doesn't work either. I know I cannot change the past but I can influence the future. And I have and I bet some of you have as well. Where I live, the Acadian people built a collaborative relationship with the First Nation people. There was peace for 150+ years until things got worst between France and England. A long story short, the British came to power and made the rules. For some time, those rules met that teaching French was illegal and so was following a Catholic belief. The impact of a genocide is multigenerational. Again, where I live, New Brunswick is the only official bilingual province in Canada. The right to be served in French is part of the Canadian Bill of Rights. And yet, we have people in our province that do not respect, care for or understand the full value of learning more than one language. I mean, our First Nation people communicated in hundreds of languages and they did not have a universal translator. Interestingly, doing the waring years in North America, many Acadians were highly valued for being translators and guides for the waring parties. Fast forward to the nineteen sixties, our family had to move to the English part of the province to survive. I turned off French for 4 years because I was determined to speak in English better than most of my oppressors. Within the next four years, I realized I was in control of my own destiny. I slowly figured out how to be happier and more knowledgeable within my environment. As it turns out, the key to success is being more knowledgeable. Big surprise, right. Now the more I learned, the more it became apparent how little I really did/do know about what is really going on in my environment. By environment I am including the recycled air we all breath and how everything in our world is connected via some form of energy. I adopted a process centric style of thinking that led me to a 32 year career with NB Power, our provincially owned power corporation. I got paid to learn and solve problems. Applying these problem solving methodologies, tactics, techniques and strategies have become my raison d'etre on Hive. If you make time to explore the blogs I have provided in our PEPT community you will be able to see how I solve problems. I think it was in the eighties when I started to say TooFuckeh. It worked well when I had to communicate with other subject matter experts in our central technical group cause many of them could not speak English nor French very well. It didn't take long to make Too, Fuck and eh! the go to tag when identifying a problem.

Time to stop,




Posted using MemeHive

What do you say when someone you dislike dies suddenly?
I don't bereave it!

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@toofuckeh, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of holovision.cash

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Did you know that the letters e and h are the two most used letters in Canada? eh!

I didn't include that line yesterday because I wanted to provide an example of synchronicity. For example, when I type I cannot do so looking at the keyboard so when my head came up I noticed 1234 words. In my world, synchronicity has a role.


Wishing everyone the best of days.

I'm having a !MEME of a #FUN time.
May Positive pepEntropy be with you.


I stayed up all night trying to find where the sun was.
Then it dawned on me.

Credit: benthomaswwd
@toofuckeh, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of fjworld

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