The Job That I Didn't Need!

in Hive Motors7 months ago


Well Hello There Fellow Technicians And Hivers!

It's Going To Be A Boring One!

Well we can't just share the exciting stuff here on Hive now can we? Nah we gotta share all that boring stuff as well!
Oh did I have a banger of boringness when I got back to work after this entire week of slacking! Now let me tell you it was a damn thing to get used to the change! Oh and I am not yet fully used to it!

Now what I got for the day was to remove the transmission! The transmission is going to be fixed up but while it is removed we decided on putting in a new rear main crank seal!
The one it had fitted had a small leak and the client wanted it fixed up!

That we can do sir!


Oh Dang The Mood!

It was a real struggle to actually get up this morning but it was a struggle to fall straight into the heavy lifting of work! It's a hard thing when you've just arrived at work and you've got to remove a transmission!!

Well at-least I get to fit something new in a vehicle for a change! Heck it feels like I've been gone for a year yet it has only been a week! I might do it all over again! If I could!

Okay back to work! Well this seal, you can't really screw it up and if you do! Well then I have to be very honest but you might not be one of the smartest peanuts in the pack ey!


It's Ganky Allright!

Now being a technician I have to admit that I am slightly getting over this oily business! Mayhaps I must find myself a foreman job and then I can just oversee everything and not get my hands dirty! Mayhaps some day I can turn to that!
For now though I think I might have to get my hands dirty until I've got my automotive levels! Then I can apply for something bigger and better!

Okay so we've got to get that dirty old thing removed now! Well that can't be too hard since it only has eight very small bolts holding it in place!


It's Clipped!

Well there is the problematic problem!

This got clipped when they inserted it all those years ago but it's not exactly a mistake though as in time it will deform the rubber seal on the inside, hence the leaking of this seal!

It didn't actually leak on where it seals with the crankshaft, nope it leaked out at the rubber seal facing and sealing off on the engine block! Pretty weird actually, I don't think I've ever seen one leak out there! But then again I am not in this business long enough to have seen that!

Well now I have!


Fitted And Waiting!

Now that is the bummer of these seals! Once they are fitted it actually needs to maintain a stationery position for at-least 24 hours.
Or rather that is what the Ford manual says, but here's the thing we don't have 24 hours to figure this out! We've got a couple of hours and more than likely after that it will be started!

Once the transmission is fitted I will have to do a oil fill and a crank to start it up so that I can level the oil properly! It is sometimes a nuisance but more than often it's not!


Take note this is not a how to guide, merely myself talking about the work I do and my thoughts around certain things.

To everyone who made it this far into my post Thank you for the read and the support.

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