Well Hello There Fellow Technicians And Hivers!
Oh But Of-Course!
Well yeah we had to start over from the top! What a mission that was!
Not the end of the world though but if the client just listened to us he'd have had his vehicle by now! Or perhaps he just didn't really want it!
Well we got the entire kit now and it's time to assemble this thing in a jiffy! Although working careful is the best method and especially so when there is madness like this in the shop!
I like this! I really like this!
I know! It looks like madness here but really I'm in heaven!
What You Pay For!
I wont even lie here, you get what you pay for and what we got is not bad at all!
So usually these inner casing blocks tend to get hairline fractures, I swear you can't see them at all! When they get these hairline fractures it leaks out pressure and considering that these megatronics go up to 48 bar in pressure well, well that is a lot!
I have to add that not all are hairline fractures though! Some really popped like big pimples! With everything inside being shredded into bits!
It's hard to notice but the one I am holding in my hand has a thicker wall where the circular object in the casing is, you might actually be able to see the difference if you zoom in!
Finally I Can Replace This!
I can not think how anything in this megatronic has to work as intended if it has to pass through a filter that looks like this crap!
This is bad! Real and terribly bad!
Notice how it's all puffed up and wrinkled compared to the new filter, the best bet I have for that is because they used the wrong oil in the first place.
The thicker oil really pushed all the material around in this filter and for some reason I think that their might be filter particles inside the solenoids, that must be why it shifted so cranky and weird!
Let's Get It Done!
Well mostly everything is set and prepped for me to start!
I already dismantled the entire megatronic before I even unboxed the new parts!
Now I just need to take care when assembling this beautifull piece of machinery!
I do wonder if the client wants to kick himself on the but! I really do!
He pays a little more for this kicking us around!
Hopefully, or rather everything will be well with his ride now!

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