Maybe Nothing Is Wrong?

in Hive Motors7 months ago


Well Hello There Fellow Technicians And Hivers!

This Is An Odd One!

Seriously we've not gotten one of these yet! I mean we've gotten a great deal of these pickups but never quite one with this problem! It might not even have a problem at all but let's see what the smart men can uncover, oh when I say that I don't mean us... the other smart men!

So what the problem points to is a TCM problem so it's for now not even necessary to open up the transmission at all! If that is the where the problem lies, in-fact we can't find a problem with the vehicle but then again we don't drive it on a daily!

Let's see what we can uncover on this orange beast!


Of Utmost importance!

Now it's one thing to remove the transmission and not disconnect the power but if you are going to work on just power I think it's better to disconnect the battery!

In-fact if you are working on a car you disconnect the battery! No exceptions! It's not always needed but if you do remove the battery then you know you're safe!

It's shiney outside and dirty on the inside, hmmm not a lot of love at-least not a lot of deep love! Laughs!


There Ya Are!

Well there is the hidden little piece I want! Oh what a wonderfull thing hey, it's never a good thing when one of those goes bad right! They are quite expensive to replace if gone bad! The good thing about all of this is that it might not even be bad at all. Not sure, the smart guys will have to test it! As I said lels!

Okay so it's easy right? You can see it and now remove it! Oh no not just like that, not unless you don't want to cause too much too damage!


So Much!

There is just way too many obstructions, almost like you're meant to chuck the vehicle if that fails! Anyways! The lower left nut was easy to remove but the top right nut! Oh boy that one was the real patience tester of this job! I couldn't get nothing in there! Nothing at all and it was frustrating!

Eventually I got a small thirteen spanner and managed to wangle it in there and slowly creep the nut loose! Remember it was a locknut so it didn't come lose after releasing the torque on it! It was strum all the way through!



Oh dear no I didn't stab the bolts with the screw drivers! Lels! But saying I wasn't frustrated at the end of it would be a big lie! But anyways I knew what I was getting into so it wasn't all bad, not after knowing what it was and being able to prep up for a back breaker xD!

Seriously it is!


Take note this is not a how to guide, merely myself talking about the work I do and my thoughts around certain things.

To everyone who made it this far into my post Thank you for the read and the support.

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