Well Hello There Fellow Technicians And Hivers!
Yet Another DSG!
In truth, I am really getting annoyed with these transmissions now! Is this the only thing people find worth the while out there? Seriously?
Why does everyone want to be like the person next to them?
That is probably none of my concerns right? We are here to fix the broken things people bring to us!
The Transmission Itself Is A Whole Job On Its Own!
We shall dive into that one in a later post! For now let's sort out the megatronic! But with that said I have some very bad news for the owner of this lovely transmission!
This wont just be a simple megatronic fix, it looks like you got some metal inside the transmission sir! Or rather some grinding paste!
Oh Dear!
I don't believe I've ever seen one this bad!
I mean this is really bad! Not the megatronic itself, the burnt oil sticking to the casing is the oil from the transmission and for oil to stick like that it had to turn extremely hot at some point!
This makes a little more sense with the metal shavings inside the transmission!
I am sort of curious if the client will allow us to open the transmission itself, at the end we wont have no choice really...
What Even Is That?
Laughs, that looks like glue! It isn't glue of-course but it really has the look of it!
I had to scrape it of bit by bit because it wouldn't wash off with degreaser at all!
It almost looked like resin!
The Feels Of It!
Now that is one thing I like beyond measure!
Clean shining metal!
No really! Of that I am fond! Perhaps the reason why I am in this trade, I think!
Well I did my best to get as much as possible removed and I think I did a pretty good job at that too!
I used a very very very fine sanding paper to get it clean with a little bit of water. Worked wonders!
The Fun Lies In Assembly!
Oh by now I hate these things but no matter how much I hate them I don't think I'll ever grow tired of rebuilding them.
I absolutely admire the fine works and the need to work soft, it's a break from the usual spanner throwing jobs!
I put in a great deal of effort with these to get those burnt oil removed, I then went ahead and skimmed almost all of the flat sealing surfaces!
Until the next one stay safe and stay Blessed people!

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