For Those Who Have An Abundance Of Patience

in Hive Motors8 months ago


Well Hello There Fellow Technicians And Hivers!

At It Again!

Oh yeah! We love building up those broken Ford Kuga's! Those are a real pleasure without a doubt! Although it's a shitty transmission to have to pull out but it's one where we don't slack out of!

They are tanky as hell but as tanky as they are, they're equally sensitive! But more so this client is a sensitive one I can tell you that!! So let's try and give this vehicle some of that extra attention love and care!


Got To Save The Data!

Now since this car doesn't actually read an error on the computer of the vehicle this might be more a mechanical error than an electrical failure in the valve body, or something of the sorts!

But who knows, these things as I said are so sensitive! It can be anything really! It might even be a clogged up filter for all we know and for that you've got to remove the entire gearbox, yes you absolutely have to split open the transmission to get the oil filter or strainer out! How insane is that!

On a different note look how beautifull this ride is!


Well Maintained.

Besides for the transmission troubles but that's normal wear and tear to be honest. It happens to a lot of them to say the least!

Anyways, the fun part is I get to work on a fabulously clean engine! That's some major fun guys! Major fun! It's not something that happens on a daily, well mostly though but not on a daily!
So for these we smile and we smile bright!


This Is Odd!

It has absolutely no electrical issues but the wires to the head light are open? How weird!

That's not all though, As I was working a neat piece of wire fell out from somewhere that had a fuse and everything in the setup? How does this car not have electrical issues. Like none at all? It's too good to be true!

Something is fishy here!


Been Busy! Been Real Busy!

Oh this has been a day! A hectic day! Well hectic half a day! These vehicles really have a great deal of work on them! Luckily I don't have to remove the sub-frame! Ford saved me from that one!

I am about to drop the transmission out and have a snacking lunch! Oh this was well worth the wait! Now let's wait for the assembling time!


The Easy Part Done With!

Now the easiest part of this job is done with! Oh yeah we still have to tear the transmission down and rebuild it and on top of that fit it back in! That is a tricky part to say the least ey!

Notice the little pin thing on the center of the transmission it's a silver pin inside that brown little circle inside of the bellhousing! Getting that pin aligned with the one on the flex plate is a real hammer fall!
If you don't know the trick you're likely to never get it in!


Take note this is not a how to guide, merely myself talking about the work I do and my thoughts around certain things.

To everyone who made it this far into my post Thank you for the read and the support.

If you found this entertaining or educational please consider a re-blog and up-vote.

Most of all please leave a input in the comments below, whether is good or bad critic I would like to know, whether its your opinion or your way of doing things in a different manner I would like.

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Connecting the people of #HIVE across South Africa. #hive


The intricate tapestry of these babies is mind blowing. Really nice stuff you have there.

It's mind blowing ey! Great fun to work on them!

Handling such intricate work shows true dedication. Those details make all the difference in quality repairs. Nice work brother

Those are the details that makes all the difference in repairs! Oh on that you are correct! Have a great one!!