Well Hello There Fellow Technicians And Hivers!
Glad We Noticed!
Remember about a week or two ago I finished up this one.
Well it wasn't really ever finished, the day after writing up that post I jumped in the car to move it out of the shop and I noticed that it doesn't show when the transmission is in park and every now and then it wont show neutral either.
This is crucial since the computer needs to know that the transmission is either in Park or Neutral for it to start up. Automatics you know!
We then did a quick test and it was clear that the P/N Switch was faulty, thank goodness we didn't phone the client to come fetch it yet! That would and could have been a nasty situation!
Somewhat Irrelevant!
One thing, there is one thing that absolutely destroyed a big part for my love of Subaru's and that would be the idea of changing the intake manifold from cast iron to a shitty piece of plastic.
Take a long good look at that crap!
They took away half the beauty of the Boxer Motor! Such a shamefull thing actually!
Back To The Task At Hand!
Okay, let's try and get in there!
The previous time we removed it, you know to test if it is indeed this part that is faulty! Well then I had a lift to lift the car with, now I am doing it all on the ground and I wasn't in the mood for removing a nasty exhaust again!
I mean it does remove quite easily but I'm pretty sure I'll be okay if I don't remove it! It might end up being a little trickier than usual but as of lately I am fond of putting myself in harder situations than need be.
That is where growth takes place!
The Effort Was Worth.
It's genuinely a nice feeling when you diagnose something and you end up hitting the nail straight down on the head!.
It makes you feel like you are actually heading some place and that all the hard work is really always and forever worth it!
Removing that dell pin was a real pain I can tell you that, with the little and confined space that I worked in, although it moved much easier than the first time, the first time it was in there real tight!
After that things went pretty fast, we jumped in calibrated the transmission while all four wheels were in the air and after that all the lights went off and that is the good sign you really want!
Those Christmas lights should never shine on a console!
Until the next one stay safe and stay Blessed people!

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