in Hive Motors9 months ago (edited)


Este Sábado, me planifique para pasar al Hotel Hesperia para disfrutar del OVERLAND & ADVENTURE MOTORS EXPO 2024, desde el primer momento me sentí muy emocionada al ver tantos modelos de carros, motores y motos desde algo muy sencillo hasta grandes y muy sofisticados, así que te invito acompañarme.

Suelo disfrutar de muchos eventos de este tipo, y como no sonar en manejar un modelo de vehículo del año, así que aproveche disfrutar una perpesctiva como propietaria.

Disfrute muchos caminar en los pasillos y detallar cada vehículo, sus colores, formas, tamaño, fue un derroches de innovaciones en motores, fue una vitrina de exhibición que busca activar la economía de nuestro país, es por ello que me gustó mucho ver cómo habían gran variedad de stands no solo de vehículo sino de motos, motores, implementos de vehículos, servicios de grúas, talleres, entre muchos otras.


En este emocionante paseo por esta exhibición, me gane una suscripción a tu Gruero, un servicio que se activa durante un año pagando un costo de 60 $ pero yo lo tengo gratis.

Me hubiese gustado haber podido estar más tiempo para explorar cada uno de los stand con detalle, pero era el último día, sin embargo es una oportunidad que no iba a dejar de compartir aquí en la comunidad de HIVE Motors.


Las oportunidades de ver tantos vehículos me hizo sentir agradecida porque hay inversión en mi país, se que el trabajo de todos permitirá que salgamos adelante.


Espero disfrutes esta experiencia a través de mi publicación.

Fue de provecho tanto estás vivencias, que anexe un álbum de muchos vehículos que estaban tan interesantes que quise guardar para el recuerdo futuro.

ENGLISH (click here!)


This Saturday, I planned to go to the Hesperia Hotel to enjoy the OVERLAND & ADVENTURE MOTORS EXPO 2024, from the first moment I felt very excited to see so many models of cars, engines and motorcycles from something very simple to big and very sophisticated, so I invite you to join me.

I usually enjoy many events of this type, and how not to sound in driving a vehicle model of the year, so take the opportunity to enjoy a perpesctiva as an owner.

I enjoyed walking through the aisles and detailing each vehicle, its colors, shapes, size, it was a waste of innovations in engines, it was an exhibition showcase that seeks to activate the economy of our country, which is why I really liked to see how there were a variety of stands not only of vehicles but of motorcycles, engines, vehicle implements, towing services, workshops, among many others.


In this exciting walk through this exhibition, I won a subscription to tu Gruero, a service that is activated for one year at a cost of $60 but I got it for free.

I wish I could have stayed longer to explore each of the booths in detail, but it was the last day, however it is an opportunity that I was not going to miss to share here in the HIVE Motors community.


The opportunities to see so many vehicles made me feel grateful because there is investment in my country, I know that the work of all will allow us to move forward.


I hope you enjoy this experience through my publication.

It was so useful these experiences, that I attached an album of many vehicles that were so interesting that I wanted to keep for future memories.

The photos are my own, taken with the NOTE INFINITY 30 PRO phone, it is important to add the use of Canvas to edit the cover and the banner.

Las fotos son propias, tomadas con el teléfono NOTE INFINITY 30 PRO, es importante añadir el uso de Canvas para editar la portada y el banner.

This story is original created by @crisch23, exclusively on hive in the HIVE Motors community, deepl was used as translator.

Esta historia es original creada por @crisch23, exclusivamente en hive en la comunidad de HIVE MOTORS, se usó deepl como traductor.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I can't pick my favourite. I love them all!

You clearly loved being there, with this brilliant smiles of yours.

And congrats on winning that ticket to tu Gruero.

In the future, by the way, you may want use #inleo as well as you use InLeo frontend to earn LEO tokens

Thanks for the recommendation I am glad to know that I thought that the appropriate label was leo but according to your consideration you can give me some tips I will be attentive to implement them.

You're welcome. I'd be happy answer any questions you may have. Meanwhile, keep rocking InLeo! 👍🏽

I really like the work InLeo is doing at the moment

There are so many beautiful car's in there, each of the car's look so nice, but the red jeep with big tyres is my favorite, this was a nice event, impressive 🥰

I also liked that one very much, besides the red color is of impact, if I consider that it was great that event for the variety of vehicles that were there, thanks for enjoying it through my publication.

You are welcome.


I am absolutely loving that Chevrolet truck! What a blast from the past hey!

Although it has something wicked under the hood!

Yes many cars, great variety and surprises within those engines, but definitely a satisfying luxury.

Those guys are really amazing. I love them

The event was really great and they took care of many details to showcase the engines, cars, motorcycles, accessories and much more.

wow, wow, so you like cars, cars. the photos are very good, the truth is that I am not a great lover of cars, but I would not have minded to attend that event. a big hello @crisch23

The important thing is definitely the company, if we had gone together for sure we had a great time, I do not know much about cars but driving them, seeing them and enjoying them allows you to enjoy the event, although what I wanted was to project the work of these companies, the economy, investment, go beyond vehicles, motorcycles, engines and accessories.

Congratulations, your post has been curated by @dsc-r2cornell. You can use the tag #R2cornell. Also, find us on Discord

Manually curated by Blessed-girl


Felicitaciones, su publicación ha sido votada por @ dsc-r2cornell. Puedes usar el tag #R2cornell. También, nos puedes encontrar en Discord

Guao. Muchas bellas y modernas máquinas. Todo un espectáculo

Disfrute todo el evento y por eso escribí la historia para que ustedes se sorprendan tanto como yo

Que espectáculo esos carros 😮💜

Si vale fue aquí en el hesperia
