To defend yourself, you can directly strike. You can punch, kick, do palm strike, or any other strike. There are situations, you cannot hit directly for some reason. If you strike and attack the attacker, it might create more problems.
But you cannot stand there getting hit. I think grabbing and locking techniques work very well in that situation. You can grab the attacker so that he will unable to strike and hit you. When you grab, lock and put pressure, it is very painful.
The attacker does not want to be in that situation. You can easily grab and lock the attacker and take him away. If you work for someone's security, maybe you want to take the attacker away from the particular place, you can use this technique in the situation as well.
You might be wondering why I would not strike the attacker. The thing is, there are some situations where you cannot do that. If you directly fight back, that situation might become more complex.
When we talk about fighting and defending yourself, it is not just striking and hitting. You have to analyze the situation and then make your move so that you can get out of there safely. Of course, if there is no way except striking the attacker, you have to make your move to strike.
As soon as you understand the attacker's intention and the situation you are in, you can make your move effectively. For example, if someone attacks you to get your money, you can give your money. That might stop the attacker. But if someone attacks to kidnap you, the attacker will take you with him. So you have to stop him from kidnapping. Here giving your money to the attacker will not work.
So what do you think? Please feel free to leave your comments in the comment section. Thank you for reading this post. Stay safe. Always be happy!
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Hi, I am Rezoanul Vibes. I'm a content creator and passionate learner. I write about lifestyle, martial arts, finance, and digital marketing. You can visit my website I'm glad to meet amazing people all over the world.
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