Hello, my dear friends on HIVE. Happy Sunday! I hope you are doing well. As for me, I have the flu and have been feeling unwell all day. Since I didn't feel like eating rice or pasta, I decided to make a pumpkin cream soup and, of course, I took the opportunity to share the recipe with you.
- Auyama (pumpkin)
- Una cebolla (one onion)
- Una zanahoria (one carrot)
- Dientes de ajo (garlic cloves)
- Sobre de sopa Maggi (Maggi soup packet)
- Cilantro (coriander)
Esta crema la hice fácil y rápida, empecé picando la auyama, la verdad que si es bastante tediosa el tema de pelarla pero es lo único. Luego de tenerla en cuadritos la lavé y la puse con agua en una olla para que sancocharla.
I made this cream soup easily and quickly. I started by chopping the pumpkin. Honestly, peeling it is quite tedious, but that's the only challenging part. After cutting it into small cubes, I washed them and put them in a pot with water to boil.
Cuando se ablandó la auyama le incorpore la zanahoria, la cebolla, los dientes de ajo y el cilantro. Y por último le coloqué el sobre de sopa Maggi, para que le diera un poquito más de gusto.
When the pumpkin softened, I added the carrot, onion, garlic cloves, and coriander. Finally, I added the Maggi soup packet to give it a bit more flavor.
Cuando todo estaba cocinado, ya estaba listo. Procedí a dejarlo reposar para que se enfriara un poco y luego licuarlo. Después de licuarlo ya estaba listo, de adorno le coloqué un pedacito de cilantro en el medio del plato y listo.
When everything was cooked, it was ready. I let it rest to cool down a bit before blending it. After blending, it was ready. I garnished it with a small piece of coriander in the middle of the plate, and it was done.
Me cayó muy bien la sopita, siento que mi cuerpo la necesitaba, no hay nada que una sopa no ayude cuando tienes el cuerpo decaído o estás enfermo. Espero pronto recuperarme.
The soup did me a lot of good; I felt like my body needed it. There is nothing like a good soup to help you when you are feeling down or sick. I hope to recover soon.
Con amor, Julli.
With love, Julli.
Todas las fotos son de mi autoría, tomadas con mi teléfono [modelo de teléfono]
All photos are my own, taken with my [phone model]
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