Henrietta Maria of France was born in 25 November 1609. Her parents was Henry IV, King of France(1553-1610) and Marie de' Medici(1575-1642)(her parents pictures bellow) and the sister of Louis XIII, King of France
In 1625 she and Charles I of England married(his picture bellow)
She gave birth for him nine children.
But her living in United Kingdom during the reign of her husband was stormy. It was because Charles I of England recognized only absolutism and during his reign the English Civil War broke out.
It ended in the arrest, sentencing, and slaughter of the king Charles I in 1649,
After that the monarchy in England was abolished until May 1660 (during this period England was under ruled of English Council of State).
After that Henrietta Maria with her children lived in exile. But she returned in England in October of 1660 during the restoration of monarchy when her son Charles II of England(1630-1685) became king of England, Scotland and other dominions (his picture bellow)
Henrietta Maria of France died in 10 September 1669 during the reign of her son.