William Hinson (1700-1783)

in #genealogy11 months ago

I'm experimenting with posting some random bits of my genealogy research here with the goal of eventually creating a linked family tree on Hive. You can see the index here.

Subject: William Hinson (1700-1783)

Relationship to me: first cousin ten times removed

Family tree management software: GenoPro

Family tree reporting software: Gramps

Other software used: The Next Generation of Genealogy Sitebuilding (TNG), GedSite (evaluating for now)

Update: None

The chart at the top is an ancestry chart out to four generations from Gramps. The chart at the bottom is a similar chart generated by TNG. The index of all individuals I have posted so far can be found here.

The information below is a modified version of a portion of the narrative report produced by Gramps.

The Skaggs-Files

Hinson, William 1a

Birth Name Hinson, William
Gender male
Age at Death 83 years


Robert and Janet Wolfe Genealogy


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1700      
Death 1783      

Age: 83y

Christening 17092      


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Hinson, Alexander A16571727-10-02
Mother Wood, Mary17090
    Brother     Hinson, John 1680 1745-06-00
    Brother     Hinson, Christopher 1696 1744-08-14
    Sister     Hinson, Ann 1696
         Hinson, William 1700 1783


Family of Hinson, William and Roth, Susannah

Married Wife Roth, Susannah ( * 17100 + ... )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1725-11-19 St Paul's, Stafford Co, Virginia Religious Marriage  

Source References

  1. Janet and Robert Wolfe: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=bobwolfe&id=I17089 RW20100919
      • Source text:

        # ID: I17089
        # Name: Alexander A Hinson
        # Sex: M
        # Birth: ABT 1657 in Charles Co, Maryland
        # Death: 2 OCT 1727 in Parish Sittenbourne, King George Co, VA
        # Reference Number: 17089



        Father: Robert Hinson b: ABT 1615

        Marriage 1 Mary Wood

        * Married: 1 2 3


        1. Has Children John Hinson b: ABT 1680 in St. Martin's Parish, Hanover Co, VA
        2. Has No Children Christopher Hinson b: ABT 1696 in King George Co, VA
        3. Has No Children William Hinson b: ABT 1700
        4. Has No Children Ann Hinson b: 1696 in King George Co, VA


        Marriage 2 Elizabeth



        1. Title: Tyler's Quarterly Historical and Genealogical Magazine
        Author: Tyler, Lyon G
        Publication: Richmond, VA
        Page: Oct 1993, p. 118-19
        Text: Gathers facts about this family.
        2. Title: Kimbrough, Dumas and Related Southern Families
        Author: Mulkey, Margaret Kimbrough
        Publication: 1977, Naples, Florida, self-published
        Page: p. 166-67
        Text: Names Christopher and John as heirs of Alexander Hinson. "The parents of our ancestor, William Hinson (17??-c1799) can not be proved, although he was certainly the grandson of Alexander Hinson. The loss of King George Co. will book no 1 has deprived us from examining Alexander's will, and consequently, the names and numbers of his children are unknown. Two sons have been positively identified, Christopher and John, both of whom inherited land from their father. Very little else about them has been found."
        3. Title: Hinson and Related Families
        Author: William Ashley Hinson
        Publication: 1986, Winston-Salem, NC : W.A. Hinson
        Page: p 148
        Text: Names Alexander Hinson, died 1728, and wife Elizabeth as parents of Christopher, John, William, and Ann.



      • Citation:

        e-mail: bobwolfe@umich.com

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Last change was the 2024-03-01 16:59:23