At first I was really struggling with this book, because it felt like we jumped into things too quickly and I didn’t remember what had happened in the last book. Then it got slower and at one point I was questioning so what are we doing? I hadn’t expect them to have Wendall die at one point because its so fairy tale like. I think there were several moments where things felt a bit random? Or too plot convenient? Like the connection of Emily’s grandfather and the Crimson Queen. I did wish there was a wedding but not having one was fine it felt like Emily. Overall I’d say I still enjoyed it, not as much as the second book though which I loved. I hope there will be a short adventure collection or an actual encyclopaedia of the series with drawings of the fae and creatures. Wendell really annoyed me espcially seeing him so needy in the letters about Emily leaving the realm like shesh leave her be bro it irritated me so much how needy he was even apologising after eveerything so stupid he did.
Every issue felt like it resolved too quickly and easily. I wish there had been more adversity, and that things would ruminate a little longer. I would have loved a few chapters in the veil with Emily discovering more about it. Everything felt a tad too convenient. However, I did love the character interactions. It was nice seeing all of the side characters make an appearance. The "wedding" was so cute and intimate. This was a cute series, and I'm sad to let these characters go.