When something bad happens in life, like losing our loved ones or some bad incident in life then it is obvious to feel sad about it and it's completely ok also to feel those emotions, after all that's what makes us human. When we feel sad and we want to grieve, I feel it's important to process that emotion. It is important to process any emotion in that case, because when we do not process them well within us then it leaves wounds which will keep surfacing time and again.
There was a time when I used to believe that we should not grieve beyond a point because that keeps attracting sadness in our lives, but with life I gradually learned that not grieving as much as we need and letting it all out from within also is not healthy. The pain and patterns keep surfacing time and again when we leave them unattended.
Some people can get over their sadness faster then others that does not mean that they have not grieved enough or lack emotions, each person has their own level of emotions which they express in different ways. Some people have very little tolerance towards bearing any kind of pain in life and they take much longer to come out of their pain, and it's ok for them to take their time, until they process their grief completely and it no longer brings them any pain.
This is a simple exercise that was taught to me by my teacher. She would make me write about the painful events of my life on a piece of paper and then she would ask me to observe my emotions on each one of them. On certain ones I would cry and cry for months, and she would tell me, no problem, keep doing it till the time you feel no need to cry over it. And that did happen, over a period of time, I started feeling tired crying over it and then eventually I felt pointless crying over it and there were no more tears. That's how I could release my pain of whatever past traumas of my life were there.
There comes a time when any sort of pain that we have felt holds no longer any importance in our lives but that only happens when we have processed it well. A loss of our most beloved people in our life will be the most painful to get over and sometimes we would feel no matter how much ever we have grieved it is still not enough. These are situation where I suggest one should take help.
While grieving helps us to release our pain and unwanted emotions, excess grieving can also block out ability to think and look beyond, it can sometimes also make us very self-centered. In the process of managing our own grief we may overlook people around us. These are time times when help should be seeked to overcome the painful memory of life. Otherwise grieving is an important process and it should be processed well to heal completely.
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