Hi There..... Would you love to know more about modeling jobs? How about a new interview with a fashion model who has a passion for fashion?
Picture provided by Edwige Gilbert
I’ve always loved fashion, and that’s why I started this blog. The other reason was to promote my beadwork jewelry, but I closed my shop a long time ago, only the blog stayed. 😉
5 years ago, my blog looked so different. There were no fashion model interviews. No interviews at all. I can’t even remember how I got those started. 😦
Wait, give me some time to recall. Ah yes, now I remember what the main reason was I started publishing interviews. 😄
Ok, I admit, I am a cheater. I looked at my first interview because I suspected I would have shared why I began. It was mostly because someone else asked me to be in their interview. 😎
It started with a fashion designer, and then, to bring in some more variety, I added fashion influencers. They seemed quite hard to find, so those types of interviews didn’t last very long. 😔
Then came the jewelry designers, because they responded to my calls for fashion designers, but I wanted to keep them separate. Don’t ask me why, because I’d only say my brain works in funny ways. 😂
After a while, I thought, why not add fashion stylists to the list? They fit perfectly in the line of my blog, and you might also find their interviews interesting. 😁
Last but not least, came the fashion models. I bet my new interviewee can also bring us great insight into modeling jobs, so let’s find out what she has to say. 😍
Picture provided by Edwige Gilbert
What is your name? How old are you?
My name is Edwige Gilbert. I am turning 69 years old on February 25.
Are you on Social Media? How many followers do you have?
Yes, I am on social media. I have over 3500 followers, between FB, LinkedIn, and Instagram.
Do you work Full-time or Part-time as a Fashion Model?
I work part-time as a fashion model.
What made you decide to become a Fashion Model?
I was told that I should give modeling a try, and I really enjoyed it.
How many hours do you spend modeling?
I am primarily retired from modeling, but I do a show or 2 a month because it’s fun for me, and I love fashion.
Picture provided by Edwige Gilbert
What are your successes and how did you achieve them?
When I was a fur model in New York in my twenties,
Sales in stores increased where I did modeling jobs. This type of retail model success became the theme for my later work.
I might say now that my greatest success is in giving back when I model for Fashion themed charitable fundraisers.
This experience inspired me to write my latest book, “Victim to Victorious”, the proceeds of which fund efforts to end human trafficking.
What’s something you might want to do in the future?
I picture myself guiding women in their 50s who are experiencing menopause to feel sexy and confident again. I want to help them choose the clothes that accent their bodies and personalities.
Is the name of the Brand important to you when you model clothing?
Brands are important, but my personal feeling is that name brands should serve your style and personal brand.
Describe your personal style of clothing?
My signature look is good, simple quality clothing that I accessorize with the right belt, jewelry, and shoes.
I like colors and patterns to blend well together. I believe, like Coco Chanel once said, “Less is more, check yourself in the mirror before you get out and take something off.“ My style begins and ends with one question: Is it elegant with a side of sexy?
How did you find your personal style? Do you have a signature look?
I found my personal touch through the input of my Mother and Grandmother who believed in keeping things simple, chic, and elegant....and that is my signature look in a nutshell.
Picture provided by Edwige Gilbert
Do you have an influence on other people’s clothing style?
I definitely have an influence on other women’s clothing styles. They often ask me what I am wearing and why it looks so much better on me, and I can discuss with them my simple, chic, and elegant guidelines.
What are in your eyes the best trends at the moment?
My favorite current trend is that fashion is accessible to everyone with respect to personality, body shape, and age.
What are in your eyes the worst trends at the moment?
My least favorite current trend is the acceptability of Exercise gear like Yoga pants and sneakers for lunches and other social settings.
What kind of fashion advice would you give us?
My advice to you is: Respect your own uniqueness and build your style around that.
Who is your style icon and why?
My style icon was Coco Chanel for her ability to marry simplicity and elegance with practicality.
Is there something else you would like to share with us?
Fashion has been such a powerful vehicle in helping me find myself, and I hope to teach other women to find their own Fashion voice and walk confidently down whatever paths They choose.
Picture provided by Edwige Gilbert
Thank you, Edwige, for answering my questions. I couldn't agree more with the fact that fashion should be accessible to everyone.
Hope you like my blog.....Until next time.....Have a nice day
Renata (Seadbeady)
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