Opening doors.

Imagine a 500K mortgage. Something not hard to do in many places around the world now. That does not provide a level of luxury either. Then a 5% interest on top. that's 525K owed before the first payment is made. Suppose you pay 5K a month off the debt. That would be 60K a year. at the end of the first year you would have a debt of 465K, plus the 5% interest brings you up to 499K. In your first year you paid off 1K at the end of the second 439K plus interest brings you up to 461K. Then 401K plus interest 421K. Then 361 plus interest 379. In 5 years you have paid 300K from 500K borrowed and still owe almost 340K. By the end you pay over 1M.
Most mortgages will not pay back at 60K a year on a 500K loan. The repayments would be lower and the interest payment would exceeds 2.5X the borrowed value.
Then the initial loan to pay. Not counting the other essentials of living.
Why not make something different?

A fixed mortgage.
So a 500K mortgage over 15 years. Paying back at 50K a year. 10K less than the example. The set rate for this over a 15 year period would be 3900 a month.
A 500K mortgage over 20 years 3250 a month. That seems much more reasonable to me.
Over a 25 year period 2850 per month could be managed.
This is something Hive should be confident in its ability to do.
It seems people want to decentralise everything but finance. Why TF is that?
All of this can be done profitably.
That is the road to help people I strongly feel Hive should be taking.
There is a need to build to that first though. The building of something like this should not be left to one person to control. In doing so we end up with the same corrupt system we already have. The more people who have a say the better. Each persons yes or no can hold a sway on results. The ins and outs of this would be easy enough to set up. Scaling up or down for international national or local, is not an issue either. Activity on a local level should be much greater than national in most cases. Facilitating local level improvements will generate the interest in county and national improvements.
Removing control the bank hold over the layperson. Providing a greater long term financial freedom to untold numbers of people.
Those who have not yet used the internet. When someone introduces them to it, The first thing on everyone's mind should be to show them the Hive wallet and how they can get one. Hive app would be auto instilled at the manufacturing level of a phone or tablet type device.
That we do not do what we could do is disheartening. But then so are most other things in life, we still carry on.

I can see the ways to do many thing. Just not the way to start anything big. The usual whimpering of a have not lol. Well I have moved up to, have a little bit, level.
Soon I will turn my attention to growing account. This I hope to end up being a focus point for Hive in the community (physical). I have a few more weeks of what I am involved in in life, before I decide the position I try to achieve moving forward.
650 estimated USD value held in the opportunities account "huckleberrie". For the foreseeable future growth to the account can be seen coming in. This incoming finance buys the colt token. As the huckleberrie account grows from this purchase of the COLT token. The release cost of the token will rise.
An option looking forward for the value overall.
The token will rise in release cost until the end of the year. At that time the release cost of the token will have risen to 20% more than the 1st release cost of 1 HIVE to 10 COLT. The lowest cost COLT held. Though this did take some balancing to achieve from a higher initial release. Something all early birds were compensated for.
Currently the token is released at 0.108 HIVE. The buy wall has start a micro above 0.1. A focus on increasing lower bids to a higher value is still in place. Every few days or once a week the highest bid will be added to. Increasing the volume at the bid, Not increasing the bid itself. Once the token has reached 20% growth. Growth will slow down then on increasing the release cost.
When the release cost has increased on the market to 1.2 HIVE. The buy wall will get some more focus. The increments and value of the bids placed to guarantee no loss to anyone who happened to gain some of the COLT token. Should things happen. Like they sometimes do. In this case things will move forward much faster.

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