Coffee working.

Still growing. Little bit faster than I thought. This cannot be expected to last though. Progress on accumulation will continue, this is an ongoing process.
Over the course of March April May. An additional 2,000 HP has been added.
A total stake of over 8,000 Is now working for projects. An additional 300 in HBD savings is also held.

That's 900USD available to invest and another 5K HP remaining for support online.
No HP power up to coltdelegation this week. Hitting that 3K in HP. has also took a jump of 100 HP.
Silverquest is also just under 1,800 HP.

Next mover is Tommys club and savings.
The savings plan I am hoping will bring an introduction door to Hive.
About 10% of the way there to begin the second project to run along side the coffee.

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