Testing out the AI.

in #ai5 months ago

Might be better than 3D Paint.

The Hive Name.png
Those AI things are a pain in the...

Well anyway.

I tried one today for the art. Adobe Firefly. Not much of an experiment lol, You are only allowed to do X amount of actions and then you need to pay. Well that's when I stopped.

A couple of the pieces looked okay and along the lines of what I was looking for.

One of them I liked more so than the others and took a bigger shot of that.

border 1.png Screenshot_1019.png Screenshot_1018.png Screenshot_1020.png Screenshot_1022.png Screenshot_1025.png Screenshot_1023.png Screenshot_1024.png


border 1.png

I didn't add any text to the images. I figured that would just spoil them.

Maybe I will go find a version that lets you do free.
I took a second bigger shot of the one I liked most.

border 1.png


border 1.png

Free to play:

Music game: https://www.risingstargame.com?referrer=thehive
Rising Star. Discord. https://discord.gg/dbB6Jc7


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