When we arrived at the park, we were undecided about what to do: front lever, plancha or freestyle. We looked at the time and realised we were wasting time, so we decided to focus on plank training. We started by warming up our joints because we were going to train hard; we were warming up for 20-30 minutes. We were more than ready to start.
La rutina no fue muy larga, para ser honesto. Como primer ejercicio, hicimos straddle planche, tratando de mantener la posición el mayor tiempo posible, pero usando una liga de resistencia que no ayudaba tanto como esperábamos. Me di cuenta de que utilizar la liga para mantener la posición es más mental que físico. Ayer grabé un video y noté que me salió mucho mejor. La liga que usamos es bastante delgada, lo que hace que su ayuda sea mínima. Realizamos alrededor de cinco series, y en la última llegamos hasta el fallo muscular.
The routine wasn't very long, to be honest. As a first exercise, we did straddle planche, trying to hold the position for as long as possible, but using a resistance band which didn't help as much as we had hoped. I realised that using the garter to hold the position is more mental than physical. Yesterday I recorded a video and noticed that it came out much better. The garter we use is quite thin, which makes its help minimal. We did about five sets, and on the last one we went all the way to muscle failure.
Pasamos al siguiente ejercicio: push-ups en tuck. Mis compañeros hicieron tuck normal, mientras que yo intenté hacer tuck advanced, ya que tengo más fuerza que ellos. Hicimos 8 repeticiones por 3 series. Luego pasamos a press de handstand, realizando entre 3 y 6 repeticiones por 3 series también. Para cerrar la rutina, hicimos lean planche, enfocándonos en mejorar nuestra forma. Me di cuenta de que mis manos no estaban a la altura correcta de la cadera, lo cual complicaba mucho la ejecución del ejercicio.
We moved on to the next exercise: push-ups in tuck. My teammates did normal tuck, while I tried to do advanced tuck, as I have more strength than them. We did 8 reps for 3 sets. Then we moved on to handstand press, doing between 3 and 6 reps for 3 sets as well. To close the routine, we did lean planche, focusing on improving our form. I noticed that my hands were not at the correct hip height, which made it very difficult to perform the exercise.
Decidimos concentrarnos en corregir esa parte antes de finalizar la rutina, ya que no fue muy larga en comparación con otras sesiones. Así que dejamos el entrenamiento aquí por hoy. ¡Espero que les haya gustado compartir este momento conmigo!
We decided to focus on correcting that part before finishing the routine, as it wasn't very long compared to other sessions. So we'll leave the training here for today, I hope you enjoyed sharing this moment with me!
Sin más nada que acotar gente, muchas gracias por haberse tomado el tiempo de ver mi post y nos vemos en otra publicación soy
Without further ado people, thank you very much for taking the time to see my post and I'll see you in another post I'm
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